
Jenkins jobs are available for an Administrator to upload contents for any of the following before building Mashery Local Docker images:

  • Customer-built custom adapter (built from SDK)
  • Mashery-built custom adapter
  • Portal customization package



An Administrator must upload the customer-built adapter as a .zip.

The upload_customer_built_adapter Jenkins job saves the customer build adapter to /var/jenkins_home/userContent/proxy-extension/

When the Mashery Local Docker images are created, the uploaded customer-built adapter is built into Mashery Local Docker image, "tml-tm".



An Administrator must upload the customer-built adapter as a .tgz.

The upload_mashery_built_adapter Jenkins job extracts the Mashery-built adapter to /var/jenkins_home/userContent/proxy-customer.

When the Mashery Local Docker images are created, the uploaded Mashery-built adapter is built into Mashery Local Docker image, "tml-tm".



An Administrator must upload the portal customization package in a .zip.

The upload_portal_customization_zip Jenkins job saves the customization package to /var/jenkins_home/userContent/portal/

When the Mashery Local Docker images are created, the uploaded customization package is built into Mashery Local Docker image, "tml-cm".