
What's Inside

  • Memcached Pools
  • Memcached Loader


Cache Service

Resource Dependencies

  • SQL DB Binding
  • NoSQL DB Binding
  • Log Producer Binding
  • Registry Binding

Configuration Properties

Name Default Value Comments
auto_binding ON When turned ON, SQL and logservice URLs are auto-discovered and bound to the TIBCO Mashery Local component.
content_cachesize 384 Cache size for memcached Content Pool
content_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Content Pool
content_options -o modern Options for memcached Content Pool
content_port 11213 Port for memcached Content Pool
content_user nobody User for memcached Content Pool
count_cachesize 256 Cache size for memcached Count Pool
count_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Count Pool
count_options -o modern Options for memcached Count Pool
count_port 11212 Port for memcached Count Pool
count_user nobody User for memcached Count Pool memcache
logserviceURL log-set-0.log-svc.default.svc.cluster.local Logservice URL to connect to process the logs.
mem_cachesize 384 Cache size for memcached Pool
mem_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Pool
mem_options -o modern Options for memcached Pool
mem_port 11211 Port for memcached Pool
mem_user nobody User for memcached Pool
packager_cachesize 128 Cache size for memcached Packager Pool
packager_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Packager Pool
packager_options -o modern Options for memcached Packager Pool
packager_port 11215 Port for memcached Packager Pool
packager_user nobody User for memcached Packager Pool
services_cachesize 128 Cache size for memcached Service Pool
services_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Service Pool
services_options -o modern Options for memcached Service Pool
services_port 11214 Port for memcached Service Pool
services_user nobody User for memcached Service Pool
sqlURL mysql-set-0.mysql-svc.default.svc.cluster.local MYSQL URL to connect to load data from
updateddevclass 10 Sync developer classes updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
updatedhttpsclientsecurity 30 Sync https client security information updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
updatedmapi 10 Sync mapis updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
updatedpackager 30 Sync packagers updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
updatedservice 10 Sync services updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.