Creating an Azure OpenShift Cluster


Ensure that you have satisfied the requirements in the "Other Prerequisites" section in Prerequisites.


  1. Log in to Azure:
    az login
  2. Create a resource group for the key vault using the command:
    az group create --name <name> --location <location>


    • <name> - The name of the resource group to create.
    • <location> - The location of the resource group.


    az group create --name mlrg --location eastus 
  3. Create a key vault using the command:
     az keyvault create --resource-group <group> --name <name> --enabled-for-template-deployment <enabled> --location <location>


    • <group> - The name of the resource group (from step 2).
    • <name> - The name of the key vault to create.
    • <enabled> - Whether to enable for deployment - true or false.
    • <location> - The location of the key vault.


     az keyvault create --resource-group mlrg --name mlvault --enabled-for-template-deployment true --location eastus
  4. Create an SSH key, without any password, using the command:
    ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/openshift_rsa -t rsa -N 
  5. Store the SSH private key in the Azure key vault that was created in step 3:
     az keyvault secret set --vault-name <vaultName> --name <secret> --file <file> 


    • <vaultName> - The name of the key vault (from step 3).
    • <secret> - The name of the secret.
    • <file> - The source file of the secret.


    az keyvault secret set --vault-name mlvault --name keysecret --file ~/.ssh/openshift_rsa 
  6. Get the resource group ID using the command:
    az group show --name <groupName> --query <query> 


    • <groupName> - The name of the resource group (created in step 2).
    • <query> - A JMESPath query string. For more information, see


    az group show --name mlrg --query id 

    The following is an example output string from the az group show command:

  7. Create a service principal and assign it contributor permissions to the key vault resource group created in step 2, using the following command:
     az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <name> --role <role> --password <password> --scopes <scopes>


    • <name> - A name for the service principal.
    • <role> - The role of the service principal.
    • <password> - The password for the service principal.
    • <scopes> - The scopes to which the service principal's role assignment applies. Use the output string from step 6 for the scopes.


     az ad sp create-for-rbac --name mlSP --role Contributor --password Ocazure@18 --scopes /subscriptions/1db82ccd-abfe-46ec-8ad2-7f2d8cf050d5/resourceGroups/mlrg

    An error might be displayed if you do not have the appropriate permissions. When the command runs successfully, output similar to the following is displayed:

      "appId": "31bf3682-39b6-4ba1-931d-6d66d8887ad0",
      "displayName": "mlSP",
      "name": "http://mlSP",
      "password": "Ocazure@18",
      "tenant": "cde6fa59-abb3-4971-be01-2443c417cbda"

    Take note of appId, tenant, and password, those are needed later during the deployment process.

  8. Create a resource group for the OpenShift cluster using the following command:
    az group create --name <name> --location <location>


    • <name> - The name of the resource group to create.
    • <location> - The location of the resource group.


    az group create --name mlOSFTCluster --location eastus
  9. Assign the Contributor role to the appId (from step 7 output) for the resource group created in step 8.
    az role assignment create --assignee <assignee> --resource-group <group> --role <role> 


    • <assignee> - The ID of the service principal. This is the value of appId from the output in step 7.
    • <group> - The name of the resource group created in step 8.
    • <role> - The name of the role being assigned to the service principal.


    az role assignment create --assignee 31bf3682-39b6-4ba1-931d-6d66d8887ad0 --resource-group mlOSFTCluster --role Contributor 
  10. List the role assignments - this should list the assignments you created in the previous steps.
    az role assignment list --resource-group <group> 


    • <group> - The name of the resource group for which role assignments are to be listed.


    az role assignment list --resource-group mlOSFTCluster 
  11. Browse to the following website and click the Deploy to Azure link:
  12. In the Azure portal, enter the require parameters, taking note of the Admin user name and password, as they will be needed to log into the OpenShift console after a successful deployment.

    The following provides descriptions for some of the parameters that need to be specified:

    • Resource Group: Select Use Existing radio button (the resource group was created in step 8).
    • Openshift Password: Enter a password of your choice.
    • Key Vault Secret: Enter name you gave for the key in Step 5.
    • Red Hat user name/organization and password/activation key: If you create your own account for OpenShift on the Red Hat portal, use that. You will need the Red Hat pool ID for the subscription.
    • ssh public key: This is a public key you created in step 4. Content will be in the file ~/.ssh/
    • Select the VM size as Standard_E2s_V3.
    • Storage kind should be 'managed'.
    • Enable Azure: Select 'true'.
    • Add client id and secret: Use the appId received in step 7 and use the same password you used in step 7.
    • masterInstanceCount: Choose 1.
    • infraInstanceCount: Choose 1.
    • nodeInstanceCount: Choose as desired.
  13. Click the Purchase link.
    If everything goes well, it takes around 45 minutes to 1 hour to create the cluster. If the deployment is successful, go to the OpenShift cluster UI by accessing the successfully-deployed template details. When the deployment is complete, you can access the OpenShift using:
    az group deployment show --name <name> --resource-group <group> | grep""


    • <name> - The deployment name.
    • <group> - The resource group for the OpenShift cluster from step 8.


    az group deployment show --name Microsoft.Template --resource-group mlOSFTCluster | grep""

    You can log into with the generated URL using ocpadmin as the user name, and the OpenShift password specified in step 12.