Connectors and Adapters

Connectors are TIBCO Cloud Mashery's integration features that have been developed and provided ready to use for Cloud customers. Connectors have been carefully envisioned to address common use-cases, such as: content injection, content filtering, content transformation, call authentication using third-party IDP, IP-based call filtering, domain-based routing, geo-location based routing and HTTP header manipulation.

Mashery-built Connector vs Adapter

The following table explains the differences between Mashery-built connectors and Mashery-built adapters.
Connector Adapter
Mashery-built features for TIBCO Cloud Mashery Mashery built for both TIBCO Cloud Mashery and Mashery Local
Strategic integration feature generally available out of the box for any TIBCO Cloud Mashery customer. Custom in nature and tailored to fit a particular customer specific need.
Available without additional cost to TIBCO Cloud Mashery customers. Customer may incur fee for engineering and development work done by Mashery.
Note: Mashery Local customers can use the SDK to build their own adapters.
Can be ported to a Mashery Local customer upon request in Mashery Local 4.X. Needs to be engineered and developed for Mashery Local customer.


Does TIBCO Mashery ship Mashery Connectors out of the box?

Yes. Mashery Connectors are available out of the box for TIBCO Cloud Mashery customers.

Can Mashery Connectors be made available or ported to Mashery Local customers?

Yes. Mashery built Connectors can be ported to Mashery Local upon customer request.

How can I get a Mashery built certified Connector?

In order to get Mashery Connectors ported, a Mashery Local customer needs to make request to the Mashery Support team.

Mashery will release it to the Mashery Local customer specific area. Once Mashery Connectors are promoted to customer specific area, they will be available to deploy via Mashery Local user interface. Refer to How to Get the Mashery-Built Connectors and/or Adapters section.

Why aren't Mashery Connectors available out of the box to prospects/leads?

  • Mashery built Connectors are packaged and ported specifically to the Mashery Local customer area.
  • TIBCO Mashery prospects/leads do not get assigned a Mashery production area unless they are formally on-boarded in Mashery.
Note: In certain cases, prospects/leads may get a trial area, but one that is temporarily assigned for evaluation period.

What are some best practices for a Mashery Local customer who needs to migrate to newer version of Mashery Local and consumes Mashery built Adapters and/or Connectors?

Here are best practices and guidance for smoother migration to newer version of Mashery Local 4.4.X.
Note: (Applies to customers who consume Mashery built Connectors or Adapters)
Normal Flow
  1. It is always good practice and Mashery recommends to release Mashery built Connectors or Adapters certified for a particular Mashery Local 4.4.X release in a non-production area/environment first.
    1. Migration of Mashery Local product and Mashery built Connectors or Adapters that is needed for a particular Mashery Local 4.4.X version must happen in lock step.
  2. Customer should deploy Mashery built Connectors or Adapters build once they are available in their non-production environment for a particular Mashery Local 4.4.X version.
  3. Customer must perform UAT and confirms/sign off that Mashery built Connectors or Adapters are functioning as expected for Mashery Local version.
  4. Customer should update support case once they sign off UAT. Mashery will release Connectors or Adapters to customer Mashery local production area.