• Do I need to install Gradle?

    No gradle installation is not required. The SDK will take care of picking up the right versions of Gradle.

  • I already have Gradle. Will that affect working with the SDK?

    No. The SDK will use the proper version of Gradle.

  • Can I push the extracted SDK along with my adapter subprojects into Version control?

    Yes. All required artifacts that need be version controlled are included and multi-authoring is governed by specific version control systems.

  • Can different sub projects contain different versions of same library?

    Yes, but please ensure that the file names are different.

  • I have multiple Java SE versions, which one should I use?

    Recommended is using Java SE 8 or greater. The SDK will take care of compiling to the required target version.

  • How do I change the java version to be used by the SDK?
    Open the file gradle.properties and add this line:
    org.gradle.java.home=/Path/To/Java SE HOME.
    The home directory will be different for different OSes.