Command-Line Usages for Rollback

Use the command line options for executing management actions for rollback. Use the execution modes to execute specific rollback actions.

Command-Line Options
Command-Line Option Description
-? Specify the print usage.
-o Specify the execution mode. See the Execution Modes table for the different execution modes.
-an Specify the enterprise name. This must be specified if the member name is specified.
-mn Specify the name of the member who is performing the action. If specified, the enterprise name should be specified.
-e Specify the event ID to roll back an event.
-p Specify the processLog ID. This is mandatory when the execution mode is tillstep.
-r Specify the rollback indicator: true or false. This is not required for the execution mode tillstep. For other modes, if specified as true, rollback is performed.

Specify the date in "yyyymmdd" format to roll back till a date. This is required when the execution mode is specified as fromdate

-pwd Specify the password of the member.
-epwd Specify the encrypted password of the member. Either the password or the encrypted password must be provided.
Execution Modes
Execution Mode Description
event Specify this mode to roll back an event.
fromdate Specify this mode to roll back the events starting from the specified date.
fromevent Specify this mode to roll back the events starting from the specified event
tillstep Specify this mode to roll back an event up to a specified step