Export of Users Roles and Permissions

The request and response files are different when exporting users, roles, and permission as compared to the other business objects.

  • Users: To export a specific user, specify the user name in the request XML. To export a list of users, specify the list in the request XML. To export all users, specify 'ALL' in the request XML. To export all the UI users, specify 'ALLUI'. To export all non-UI users such as GLN, NetworkId, and so on, specify 'ALLNONUI'.

    Role definitions are not exported as part of users. Role definitions must be exported and synchronized separately.

  • Roles: You can export a specific role, list of roles, or all roles. To export a specific role, specify the role name in the request XML. To export a list of roles, a role list needs to be specified. To export all the roles, 'ALL' must be specified.
  • Permissions: Permissions can be exported for users, or roles but not both in the same transaction. To export permissions for specific user, specify the user name. To export permissions for specific role, specify the role name. To export permissions for all roles, specify "ALL". To export permissions for all users, specify "ALLUI". To export permissions for a list of users, specify list of user names. Similarly, to export permissions for a list of roles, specify the list of role names.

    When no permissions are defined in the source but permissions are defined in the destination, permissions defined in the destination are deactivated for that user or role.

    The set of permissions in destination company are overwritten by the set of permissions being imported.