Configuration of Database MBean

The Configuration option of the Database MBean displays the database details that is in use.

Database Configuration Attributes
MBean Name Attribute Name Description
Database > Configuration Database Major Version Displays the major version number of the database. For example, 11.
  Database Minor Version Displays the minor version number of the database. For example, 1.
  DatabaseProductName Displays name of the database. For example, Oracle.
  DatabaseProductVersion Displays release details of the database. For example, Oracle Database 11g Release - Production.
  DatabaseType Displays the database type. For example, whether it Oracle, SQL Server, or Postgress.
  DatabaseURL Displays URL where the database is stored. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@
  DatabaseVersion Displays the major and minor version numbers of the database. For example, 11.1.
  DriverName Displays the driver name used for the database. For example, Oracle JDBC Driver.
  DriverVersion Displays the version of the driver. For example,
  JDBCMajorVersion Displays the version of the driver. For example,11.
  JDBCMinorVersion Displays the minor version of the driver. For example,1.
  UserName Displays the database user name.