Hint Characters

Use the following characters to indicate skipping of the tables:

Hint Characters
Hint Characters Description Table Name
A Use to skip activity result table. The activity result table stores product ID and Extension outputs from workflows. If this table is no longer used to store temporary data in workflow, specify A. ACTIVITYRESULT
D If the data quality tables does not contain data, specify D to skip checking the data quality tables. MATCHRESULTS, xx, yy
F If a repository does not contain future dated records, specify F to skip future dated records. FUTUREDATEDRECORD
L If history is already cleared, specify L to skip attribute logs. ATTRIBUTELOG
M If you want to suppress the master data, specify M to skip MCT and related tables. MCT* and MVT*
S If synchronization is not performed and the data does not exist in the synchronization table, specify S to skip synchronization logs and product status tables. PRODUCTSTATUS, RECORDSYNCLOG
Partitioned Tables  
G Indicates that skipping GOLDENCOPY, PRODUCTKEY, and PRINCIPALKEY tables is only advised when tables are partitioned and that database administrator runs the scripts to delete the data. GOLDENCOPY