
To support internationalization (I18N) on your system, follow the internationalization guidelines.

Internationalization Guidelines
Component Description
Operating System Layer Verify that the locale is set correctly to match the character set you will be using, or to UTF8. Consult your OS documentation for information on how to do this.
Application Server Layer Verify that the JVM arguments for encoding - file encoding and client encoding (file.encoding, client.encoding.override) - are both set to UTF-8.

This setting is recommended irrespective of whether you want to support internationalization.

Oracle Database: To ensure that language support or multi-byte support is consistent throughout the Oracle instance, set the language support at the time of setting up an Oracle instance. To support multiple languages, set the flag to UTF-8. Refer to Configuration of Oracle Database for instructions.
PostgreSQL Database To ensure that language support or multi-byte support is consistent throughout the PostgreSQL instance, set the language support at the time of setting up an PostgreSQL instance. To support multiple languages, set the Encoding to UTF-8.
SQL Server Database To ensure that language support or multi-byte support is consistent throughout the SQL Server instance, set the language support at the time of setting up an SQL Server instance. To support multiple languages, set the Collation flag to the native language with Unicode, for example: Japanese_Unicode_CI_AS.
Internet Explorer If characters in certain language are not displayed correctly in the browser, on the View menu of Internet Explorer, point to Encoding, point to More, and then click the appropriate language.

If the specific language pack is not installed on the computer, you will be prompted to download language support components; click Download.

Google Chrome If characters in certain language are not displayed correctly in the browser, on the View menu of Chrome, point to Encoding, and then click the appropriate language.
Fire Fox If characters in certain language are not displayed correctly in the browser, on the View menu of Fire fox, point to Character Encoding, and then click the appropriate language or point to More Encodings to find more languages option.
Data Files and XML If you want to upload data using data sources, ensure that data files are saved with UTF-8 encoding for text files. For any XML file upload, verify that the encoding is set as follows:
“<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>”