Modify Record with Upload

The various details of how to modify a record with file upload explained in this section. The files should be uploaded as attachments to the request.

HTTP Method
Endpoint URL See Endpoint
Resource /records/updateRecordWithUpload/{repositoryName}
Request Parameters Specify the following parameters:
Name Description Type Data Type
repositoryName Name of the repository. path string
newRecord (body) JSON payload for the record. query string
perspectiveName Name of the perspective. query string
workItemId Unique ID of the work item. query string
Media Type multipart/form-data
Request Model The request model is similar to the Modify Record rest service.
Response Model The request model is similar to the Modify Record rest service.
Request Example A record with product ID record4 and ID Extension record4 is modified in the repository named "REPO1":
Note: Attach all required files with cached.
Response Example The response returns the message that the record was successfully modified.
   "responseMessages": [   {
      "code": "SVC-11025",
      "message": "Service 'VALIDATE_PROCESS' executed successfully.",
      "type": "Info"
   "records": [],
   "success": true
Success Response Example:

Code: 200 successful operation

Error Response
Attention: The response is displayed for validation error.
If the response is unsuccessful, either of the following error code is displayed:


Code: 400 Bad request


Code: 500 Invalid Request

For error code response, see Error Handling .