Login Attempt Information

The login attempt information is collected if the login is successful.

For successful login, the session ID can be used to find additional information captured under Active User Information. To view login attempt information, double-click the composite data of the LoginAttemptList attribute.

For each login attempt, you can track the following information:

Login Attempt Information
Name Description
acceptCharset acceptCharset mapped to HTTP header Accept-Charset.
acceptEncoding acceptEncoding mapped to HTTP header Accept-Encoding.
acceptLanguage acceptLanguage mapped to HTTP header Accept-Language.
destinationHost Host to which request was sent. It is mapped to req.getServerName()
destinationPort Port to which request was sent. It is mapped to req.getServerPort().
enterpriseName Specifies an enterprise name.
forwardedFor Forwarded for as specified in HTTP request. It is mapped to x-forwarded-for or X_FORWARDED_FOR.
headers A comma separated list of the headers.
httpUserAgent An HTTP user agent specified in the HTTP request. It is mapped to the HTTP header User-Agent.
protocol The protocol used for request. It is mapped to req.getProtocol.
referer Referer is mapped to HTTP header Referer or referer.
remoteHostname The fully qualified name of the client, which sends the request. It is mapped to HttpServletRequest.getRemoteHost().
remoteipAddress An IP address of the client initiating the request. It is mapped to HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAdr().
requestMethod An HTTP request method specified in HTTP. It is mapped to HttpServletRequest .getMethod().
requestedURL The requested URL. It is mapped to HttpServletRequest.getRequestedURI().
scheme The protocol scheme used for a request. It is mapped to req.getScheme.
secure Specifies whether the request is secured.
sessionID The session ID of an HTTP request.
timeOfAttempt The time that states when the login attempt was made.
userName Specifies the user name.