Deleting Records in Cross-Repository Relationship

To delete a record that is associated with records in other repositories, you can either choose to delete the current record and leave the associated records intact, or you can choose to delete the current record with all its relationships.


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. From the Repository Name drop-down list, select the name of the repository from which you want to delete records.
  3. Click View All Records. A list of records is displayed.
  4. Click the record ID of the record that you want to delete. The View Record screen is displayed.
  5. Click . The Delete Record(s) screen is displayed.
  6. In the Related Records section, expand the relationship tree.
  7. Check the checkbox next to recordID-recordIDExtension for the related record that you want to delete. When you select a related record, all its associated related records also get automatically selected. If the selected related records has an associated relationship, it will not be deleted. For example, assume that Customer is related to Address and Address to Status repository. If you mark Address for deletion, Status will automatically be marked for deletion. Similarly, if you uncheck Address from being deleted, its child relationship will also be retained.
  8. Click Delete .
    If you have the required privileges to delete records without requiring a workflow, the following message is displayed: Would you like to delete this record without initiating workflow?

    If you do not have the required privileges to delete records without requiring a workflow, the delete functionality is submitted for delete workflow.

  9. Click OK to delete and confirm records immediately.
  10. Click Cancel to delete and submit records for workflow.