Running the Utility


Set the OS environment variable before running the utility.
Valid values for OS are: Windows_NT/Linux.


  1. Navigate to the $MQ_HOME/bin folder.
  2. Run the netricsServer.bat/ utility.

Note: Ensure the $MQ_HOME/bin/netrics/os name/netricsdxxx file has execute permissions before running the utility on a non-Windows machine.

The following options are available in the utility:

Netrics Utility Options
Option Description
-register Register Netrics as a Windows service (Windows only)
-startService Start the Netrics Windows service (Windows only). 
This prompts for the port and IP address.
-stopService Stop Netrics Windows service (Windows only)
-startServer Start Netrics server as a console. 
This prompts for the port and Client IP address.
-stopServer Stop Netrics server as a console. 
This prompts for the port.
-list Lists all the entities loaded in a particular Netrics server.
-help Show Help.

  1. Run the -startServer option to start the utility. For example: or netricsServer.bat -startServer


Note: If the port is not provided, the default port (5051) is used and if the host is not provided, localhost is used.