Deploying TIBCO MDM Cluster on Kubernetes

You can deploy TIBCO MDM Cluster on Kubernetes by using the YAML configuration files, which contain the configuration details for deployment.

For more information about the Kubernetes concepts, see Kubernetes Documentation.


  1. Create the following Kubernetes objects that are required for deploying TIBCO MDM Cluster, using the YAML files. These objects include deployment and services for the cluster:
    • Namespace
    • Rolebinding
    • Config Map
    • Secret
    • Deployment objects for TIBCO MDM, TIBCO MDM Configurator, Apache Ignite, TIBCO Pattern-Search, and Apache ActiveMQ
    • Services for TIBCO MDM UI, TIBCO MDM Configurator UI, Apache ActiveMQ UI, and headless services for TIBCO MDM, Apache Ignite, TIBCO Pattern - Search, and Apache ActiveMQ.
    For more information on the YAML file configurations of TIBCO MDM Cluster components, see TIBCO MDM Cluster Components YAML Files.
  2. On the command line, type the create command of kubectl utility by using the YAML files to deploy TIBCO MDM Cluster components. The deployment files are available in the docker\k8s_deployment folder.
    kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
    kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
    kubectl create rolebinding default-viewer --clusterrole=view --serviceaccount=development:default --namespace=development
    kubectl create -f config_dep.yaml
    kubectl create -f secrets_dep.yaml
    kubectl create -f activemq_dep.yaml
    kubectl create -f activemq_ser.yaml
    kubectl create -f activemqui_ser.yaml
    kubectl create -f ignite_dep.yaml
    kubectl create -f ignite_ser.yaml
    kubectl create -f mdm_sc.yaml
    kubectl create -f mdm_pv.yaml
    kubectl create -f mdm_pvc.yaml
    kubectl create -f patterns_ser.yaml
    kubectl create -f patterns_dep.yaml
    kubectl create -f mdm_ser.yaml
    kubectl create -f mdm_dep.yaml
    kubectl create -f mdmui_ser.yaml
    kubectl create -f mdmconfig_ser.yaml
    kubectl create -f mdmconfig_dep.yaml
    Warning: After TIBCO MDM starts, deploy the mdmconfig YAML files for the TIBCO MDM Configurator. If you deploy TIBCO MDM and TIBCO MDM Configurator at the same time, the is not found issue occurs when you log in to the TIBCO MDM Configurator.