LDAP Login Module

This is a login module for full LDAP integration. It is selected by configuring login module = LDAP in Configurator. This login module can be classified as "password based authentication" or "single sign-on" depending on configuration.

  • Users with security type = PASSWORD are managed in TIBCO MDM and authenticated within the application itself. This works exactly like "Default login module".
  • Users with security type = LDAP must exists in configured LDAP server. Password is not captured as part of user profile.
  • Users with security type = LDAP are validated against LDAP during user creation and update. When user is created or modified explicitly using TIBCO MDM UI, Create User web service, or import metadata; information is not extracted from LDAP server. However, user must exist in LDAP. The profile information provided by the user is saved.

    When login is attempted and if "auto update" is configured, some of the information provided during user creation is automatically updated with the information obtained from LDAP server.