Index Entity Configuration Single Entity

The Index Entity Configuration Single Entity table describes the parent and its child elements that need to be specified in a Single Entity index configuration:

Index Entity Configuration Single Entity
Element Attribute Description Value
For a Single Repository
IndexEntity joinTable Specify False for a single repository. True

False (Default)

Name   Specify an entity name. For example, Person.
Note: Do not use underscore ( _ ) in entity name.
EnterpriseName   Specify the enterprise name.

Note: Enterprise name is case-sensitive.

Any valid enterprise name.
RepositoryName   Specify the repository name. For example, PERSON. Any valid repository name.
AttributeList   Note: For backward compatibility, if you remove attributes specified in the <AttributeList> tag, all attributes are indexed including system attributes.  
AttributeName   Specify the attribute name. For example, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, and DOB.

Note: Specify either only attribute name or display name.

Any valid attribute name that exists in the mentioned repository.