Building and Running the TIBCO MDM All-in-One Container Docker Image

Before you run TIBCO MDM All-in-One container, you must build a Docker image of it.


  • Ensure that you have Dockerfile for TIBCO MDM All-in-One Container. Dockerfile is available in the docker\AllInOne folder.
  • Enable squash as an Experimental feature through Docker configuration. For more information, see Docker documentation.


  1. Copy the TIBCO MDM installer file ( to the folder where the Dockerfile is located.
  2. On the command line, enter the following command:
    $> docker build -t mdm:versionnumber.GA --squash --rm=true. 
  3. Create the required Docker volumes by using the following commands:
    docker volume create --name mdmcommon
    docker volume create --name mdmconfig
    docker volume create --name mdmdynservices
    docker volume create --name postgresdata
    docker volume create --name mdmdbdata
  4. On the command line, enter the following command to run the Docker container:
    --memory=container memory
    - Xms=jvm_minimum_memory
    - Xmx=jvm_maximum_memory
    For example:
    - Xms=512m
    - Xmx=2048m
    docker run --memory=4096m 
    -e JAVA_OPTS='-server -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m 
    -p 8080:8080 
    -p 6080:6080 
    -v mdmcommon:/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/versionnumber/common 
    -v mdmconfig:/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/versionnumber/config 
    -v mdmdynservices:/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/versionnumber/dynservices 
    -v postgresdata:/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/versionnumber/bin/pgsql/data 
    -v mdmdbdata:/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/versionnumber/bin/pgsql/tablespaces mdm:versionnumber.GA
    Note: You can specify minimum and maximum memory required by using JAVA_OPTS.

What to do next

Access the TIBCO MDM UI using the URL: http://hostname:8080/eml/Login