Troubleshooting with WebSphere Application Server

Resolve the errors that you may come across while working with the WebSphere Application Server.

Troubleshooting with WebSphere Application Server
Issue Description Solution
Error Creating Catalogs and Data Sources After Installation
  • Error during catalog creation through the UI.
  • Catalog attributes not defined.
  • Error during data source creation through the UI.
  • Data source -1 could not be loaded.
Using the WebSphere Administrative Console, select Servers > Application Servers > server1 > Container Services > ORB Service, then select the Pass by Reference check box.

Background Information: If these errors are seen while creating data sources and catalogs, the WebSphere configuration may be incorrect. In WebSphere, the ORB Service should have the Pass by Reference flag checked.

You can also check this value by viewing the WebSphere configuration server.xml file for your application server. Look at the following XML element and check if the noLocalCopies attribute is set to true:

$WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile name>/config/cells/<cell name>/nodes/<node name>/servers/server1/server.xml
<services xmi:type="orb:ObjectRequestBroker" xmi:id="ObjectRequestBroker_<id>" enable="true" requestTimeout="180" requestRetriesCount="1" requestRetriesDelay="0" connectionCacheMaximum="240" connectionCacheMinimum="100" commTraceEnabled="false" locateRequestTimeout="180" forceTunnel="never" noLocalCopies="true">

Login Screen Not Visible and Logs Show “Naming service not available” Error The Naming service not available error is displayed in the log file and the Login screen is not visible. This usually happens when a wrong IIOP port number is specified in Configurator. When WebSphere starts, in the SystemOut.log, you should see the following output:
[7/27/04 15:28:28:451 PDT] 7b04ccd1 HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport http is listening on port 9,083.
[7/27/04 15:28:28:503 PDT] 7b04ccd1 RMIConnectorC A ADMC0026I: RMI Connector available at port 2810

In this example, the 2810 port number should be used for the JNDI Naming Service URL property in Configurator (Application Server > WEBSPHERE).

Cannot Log In After Installation You have the login screen and your seed data is good but you cannot log in. This means your security provider is invalid. You can fix this by changing your security provider class name in the Configurator. The default security provider is SUN. If you are using WebSphere Application Server, select IBM as the security provider.
Enabling Memory Allocation Trace Memory allocation tracing may be requested by TIBCO Customer Support for analysis of certain problems. Set up the tracing as follows:

Environment > WebSphere Variables. Select the server.

Create the following environment entries:

IBM_MALLOCTRACE - set value as 1
MALLOC_TRACE - set value to 

Substitute the absolute directory name for $WAS_HOME.

Enabling Garbage Collection Data Logging If you are experiencing memory usage issues, TIBCO Customer Support may request for collection of garbage collection statistics. To enable garbage collection data collection, change the JVM settings as follows:

Servers > Application Server > <servername> > Server Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
Select the Verbose garbage collection check box against it.

The garbage collection data is stored in


Failed Reflecting Values Error The IWAV0002E Failed reflecting values warning is displayed when TIBCO MDM is installed on WebSphere Application Server. Ignore this warning. For additional information, refer to the following site:

Incorrect Startup Message Error When TIBCO MDM is deployed on the WebSphere Application Server, if for some reason the TIBCO MDM application does not start up because of initialization errors, the WebSphere Application Server UI still shows the application status as Started. None. If the user in such a scenario hits the TIBCO MDM login page URL, initialization errors may be listed on that page.
The TIBCO MDM server failed to start The TIBCO MDM server failed to start and showed the following error message: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.jms.JMSContext exception
  1. Navigate to $EMS_HOME/lib directory.
  2. Copy the jms-2.0.jar file.
  3. Navigate to $MQ_HOME/ECM.ear and place the jms-2.0.jar file.
  4. Navigate to $MQ_HOME/ECM.ear/EML.war/META-INF directory.
  5. Open the MANIFEST.MF file and append the <space> jms-2.0.jar file name.
  6. Save the MANIFEST.MF file.
  7. Deploy the updated ECM.ear file in the WebSphere application server.
  8. Restart the WebSphere application server.
An exception on the WebSphere Application Server startup The WebAppNotLoadedException occurs on the WebSphere Application Server startup After deploying TIBCO MDM on Websphere Application Server, ensure that the Class loader for each WAR file in application option is selected the class loader policy. For information, see the "Setting Class Loader Policy" section in TIBCO MDM Installation and Configuration Guide.