General Errors

General Errors
Error Code Error Description
GEN-7000 Invalid date/time read from database; program error. Error reported by class <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'> method <Parameter name='METHODNAME'>. Value <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
GEN-7001 Requested operation failed. See associated error messages and log files. Additional information: <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'> , <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
GEN-7010 Null parameter <Parameter name='PARAMETER'> passed to method <Parameter name='METHODNAME'> of class <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'>. Program error.
GEN-7011 Invalid parameter <Parameter name='PARAMETER'> specified.
GEN-7012 Incorrect number of parameters specified. Usually indicates program error. Additional information: <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>
GEN-7014 Incorrect data type encountered. Expected data type was <Parameter name='DATATYPE'>. Attribute name was <Parameter name='NAME'>.
GEN-7015 Incorrect rule definition. Object name = <Parameter name='OBJECT_NAME'>, type = <Parameter name='OBJECT_TYPE'> does not exist.
GEN-7016 Inbox URL not specified in configuration file. Email notification for work item not sent.
GEN-7017 Workitem ID is empty.
GEN-7021 IO exception. Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>, <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>.
GEN-7022 Cannot open file <Parameter name='FILENAME'>.
GEN-7026 File <Parameter name='FILENAME'> creation failed. Check file permissions, path, and ensure directory is writable.
GEN-7027 Directory <Parameter name='DIRECTORY'> creation failed. Check path and ensure directory is writable.
GEN-7029 File name not provided for data source upload.
GEN-7030 Full file path not provided for data source upload.
GEN-7031 Inconsistent data: object could not be read from database. Error reported by class <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'> method <Parameter name='METHODNAME'>. Object identified by <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
GEN-7032 File IO error for file <Parameter name='FILENAME'>. Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>, <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>.
GEN-7041 Invalid number specified.
GEN-7045 Timestamp <Parameter name='DATETIME'> not in correct ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS-HH:MM).
GEN-7046 Specified time/date <Parameter name='DATETIME'> has already passed.
GEN-7047 Unsupported delimiter <Parameter name='VALUE'> for <Parameter name='DBVENDOR'>.
GEN-7048 Invalid enterprise <Parameter name='NAME'>.
GEN-7049 User <Parameter name='NAME'> does not exist.
GEN-7050 Missing/invalid file selected for upload. Select a valid file.
GEN-7051 Invalid enterprise name <Parameter name='NAME'>.
GEN-7052 JUNK - No <Parameter name='NAME'> found.
GEN-7053 Transaction rollback failed. See additional exception, if any: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
GEN-7055 More than one entry found for document ID: <Parameter name='ID'>. Data may be corrupted.
GEN-7056 Error converting string <Parameter name='VALUE'> to date for attribute <Parameter name='VALUE2'>.
GEN-7057 Invalid value <Parameter name='VALUE'> mapped to attribute <Parameter name='VALUE2'> of type <Parameter name='VALUE3'>.
GEN-7058 Error converting <Parameter name='VALUE'> to integer. Size of number (<Parameter name='VALUE2'>) is more than maximum allowed <Parameter name='VALUE3'> for attribute <Parameter name='VALUE4'>.
GEN-7059 Error converting <Parameter name='VALUE'> to float for attribute <Parameter name='VALUE2'>.
GEN-7060 Error converting <Parameter name='VALUE'> to float. Scale (<Parameter name='VALUE2'>) is more than maximum allowed scale of <Parameter name='VALUE3'> for attribute <Parameter name='VALUE4'>.
GEN-7061 Error converting <Parameter name='VALUE'> to float value. Value is larger than allowed precision for attribute <Parameter name='VALUE2'>. Attribute is defined with length = <Parameter name='VALUE3'> and scale = <Parameter name='VALUE4'>.
GEN-7062 Length of string (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) more than maximum allowed length <Parameter name='VALUE2'> for attribute <Parameter name='VALUE3'>.
GEN-7063 Invalid boolean value specified for attribute <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
GEN-7064 Security violation. Unauthorized access.
GEN-7065 Request incomplete, parameter (<Parameter name='PARAMETER'>) not specified.
GEN-7066 Error converting '<Parameter name='VALUE'>' string to timestamp for '<Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'>' attribute.
GEN-7070 Fatal error; could not initialize JmxHotdeployment Service.
GEN-7071 Fatal error; cannot continue configuration update.
GEN-7072 Invalid or incomplete URL specified, or session has expired.
GEN-7076 Error processing XMlBeans.
GEN-7077 Invalid timestamp.
GEN-7078 Invalid date.
GEN-7079 Invalid integer.
GEN-7080 Invalid decimal value.
GEN-7081 Invalid boolean value.
GEN-7085 Date <Parameter name='NAME'> is not valid.
GEN-7086 <Parameter name='VALUE'> Usage
GEN-7087 Copy <Parameter name='VALUE'>
GEN-7088 <Parameter name='VALUE'> Name
GEN-7089 <Parameter name='VALUE'> Description
GEN-7090 Invalid long value.
GEN-7091 Invalid URL value <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
GEN-7092 <Parameter name='VALUE'> Display Name
GEN-7093 Fatal error during parsing of string as timestamp. Input timestamp string is = <Parameter name='VALUE'> and Timestamp Format is :<Parameter name='VALUE2'>
GEN-7094 Parsing Error. Line number: <Parameter name='VALUE'>, Column number: <Parameter name='VALUE2'>, Public ID: <Parameter name='VALUE3'>, System ID: <Parameter name='VALUE4'>, Input encoding: <Parameter name='VALUE5'>.
GEN-7095 Application has not started correctly or is still starting.
GEN-7207 No <Parameter name='NAME'> found. No <Parameter name='NAME'> created or insufficient access permissions.
GEN-7213 Invalid date '<Parameter name=DATE'>'. Specify in '<Parameter name='DATEFORMAT'>' format.
GEN-7214 Delete allowed
GEN-7215 Delete not allowed
GEN-7216 Work item assigned to user <Parameter name='USER'>.
GEN-7217 Related to this repository using relationship <Parameter name='NAME'>.
GEN-7218 Delete integration hub <Parameter name='NAME'>?
GEN-7219 Event not yet initiated.
GEN-7220 Monitor event progress by clicking here: <Parameter name='VALUE'> Check Progress <Parameter name='NAME'>.
GEN-7221 Specify subset rule name.
GEN-7222 To specify subset rule, repository must be specified.
GEN-7223 To specify subset rule, only one repository must be specified.
GEN-7224 Output map includes this map.
GEN-7225 Work item assigned to user <Parameter name='NAME'>.
GEN-7226 Record related by relationship <Parameter name='NAME'>.
GEN-7227 Repository used in synchronization profile.
GEN-7228 Input map includes this map.
GEN-7229 Synchronization format is default format for backend system.
GEN-7230 Synchronization format used to define output map of repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'>.
GEN-7231 Data source used in subset rule definition.
GEN-7232 Data source used in input map of repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'>.
GEN-7233 Output map used in synchronization profile.
GEN-7234 Subset rule used in synchronization profile.
GEN-7235 Classification scheme used in synchronization profile.
GEN-7236 Work item assigned to user <Parameter name='USER'>.
GEN-7237 Referred in business process rule <Parameter name='NAME'>/<Parameter name='VALUE'>.
GEN-7238 Work item open.
GEN-7239 User included in delegation profile.
GEN-7240 Valid From Date '<Parameter name='FROMDATE'>' greater than Valid Until Date '<Parameter name='TODATE'>'
GEN-7241 No workflow request document available for event <Parameter name='DBID'>. Cannot resubmit event unless a new workflow request document is uploaded.
GEN-7242 Cannot open file <Parameter name='FILENAME'>. See related message <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>.
GEN-7243 Synchronization format used in Export
GEN-7244 Error: Unique Constraint Violated.
GEN-7245 <Parameter name='NAME'> attribute cannot be deleted as there are existing future dated record(s) for the repository.
GEN-7246 <Parameter name='NAME'> attribute cannot be modified to <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
GEN-7247 Catalog type <Parameter id='ID'> could not be loaded.
GEN-7248 Another user is modifying the record. Try again later.
GEN-7249 No file extension. Not allowed for upload. Configure, if needed.
GEN-7250 File extension '<Parameter name='PARAMETER'>' not allowed. Configure, if needed.
GEN-7300 Unknown Error