Building TIBCO MDM Cluster Container Docker Image

Before you run the TIBCO MDM cluster container, you must create a Docker image of it.


  • Ensure that you have Dockerfile for the TIBCO MDM container. Dockerfile is available in the docker\tropos\Mdm folder.
  • Ensure that you have the mdmbase:latest image built. To build the mdmbase:latest Docker image, see the ReadMe.txt file located at docker\tropos\MdmBase.


  1. Copy the TIBCO MDM installer file into the folder where the Dockerfile is located.
  2. For the Oracle database, copy the database driver to the jars folder.
    1. Copy the driver JAR file in the docker\tropos\Mdm\JBModules\modules\system\layers\base\com\oracle\jdbc\driver\main and rename it to ojdbc.jar.
    2. Open the module.xml file from the docker\tropos\Mdm\JBModules\modules\system\layers\base\com\oracle\jdbc\driver\main and uncomment the <resource-root> element.
  3. On the command line, enter the following command to build the Docker image:
    docker build -t mdmc/mdm:versionnumber.latest --squash --rm=true 

What to do next

Create TIBCO MDM database schema before using the application.
  1. On the command line, enter the following command to run the container:
    docker run -it mdmc/mdm:versionnumber.latest bash
  2. Copy the database seed data scripts from the Docker container to the host machine.
    docker cp containerID:/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/versionnumber/db /{host}/{path}/{target}
To create seed data, you can use the files that you have copied from the Docker container based on the database that you have used for TIBCO MDM. For information about creating seed data, see the following sections:
Copy TIBCO MDM templates (customer, insurance, and party models) from the Docker container to the host machine On the command line, enter the following command
docker cp mdmContainerId:/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/version/templates/TemplateName/{host}/{path}/{target}


From the master node, run the following command:
kubectl cp some-namespace/mdm-pod:/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/version/templates/{host}/{path}/{target}