Setting up Time

After you have created an attribute using the Timestamp data type, the icon is displayed next to the attribute name field.


  1. Click the icon to select the date and time. The following Calendar is displayed:
    Note: The time is displayed as per the Timestamp format selected during user profile creation.
  2. To display the current time, click Now on the calendar. The current time is displayed on the calendar and in the selected field.
  3. Click Done to exit the calendar.
  4. To change the time, you can either type in the field or click the icon on the Hour, Minute, and Second bars.
  5. To reduce time, click the icon to the left side of Hour, Minute, Second, and Millisec sliders.
  6. To increase time, click the icon to the right side of Hour, Minute, Second, and Millisec sliders.

    The selected hour, minute, second, and milliseconds are displayed on the calendar and in the selected field.

    If you have selected the Time Zone format during user profile creation, the Time Zone drop-down list is displayed. By default, the time zone is displayed that you have selected during user profile, creation.

  7. To change the default value, select the time zone in the Time Zone list.
  8. Click Done.

    The selected time zone value is displayed in the attribute value field.