Text Search Service

The Text Search web service, available as cimDataService.wsdl, allows you to search for human recognizable terms in one or more TIBCO MDM repositories as you would do on an Internet Search Engine.

To access the WSDL navigate to the Support Tools menu, click Configuration Viewer. The Configuration Viewer page is displayed. Click common > standard > samples and download schemas.zip. Extract the schemas.zip file and go to schemas/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/version/schema/DataService/2.0/cimDataService.wsdl. This WSDL can be used to generate client stubs for various client languages.

The Text Search web service indexes the text in a record and stores them as key terms in a data index. For example, if you search for records with a description "The product is in red color", the search utility looks for the key terms, "product", "red", and "color". Articles, prepositions, pronouns, and other such fillers are not considered as key terms. The Text Search index contains the Record ID and the latest version of the record.

  • Text search is offered as a separate service, resulting in a separate WSDL and a different endpoint address. This is in contrast to the other services which are multiplexed in the same WSDL and use different message parameters to invoke a specified service.
  • Only the latest confirmed or unconfirmed record are searchable through the text search service.
  • The search expression must not exceed 1024 bytes or 10 terms (words).
  • This service does not support query of deleted records.

This web service also allows you to conduct similarity searches, that is, searches which are close to an existing indexed term (for example, due to a spelling error) are found and returned. A Fuzzy search or similarity search is more expensive than standard text search and should be used in a more focused way than the 'exact' text search, by limiting the repositories or attributes.

Using this web service, you can:

  • Search for text against the entire index (all indexed catalogs)
  • Search for text search against the entire index (all indexed catalogs) retrieving only a limited client determined set (paged query)
  • Search for text search against a single repository
  • Search for text against a single repository retrieving only a limited client determined set (paged query)
  • Fuzzy search against a single repository
  • Fuzzy search against a single repository retrieving only a limited client determined set (paged query)
  • Fuzzy search against a single repository with a limited set of repository attributes
  • Fuzzy search against a single repository retrieving only a limited client determined set (paged query) with a limited set of repository attributes
  • Fuzzy search against a child repository with join=false and related index entity defined on the child repository