Installing Seed Data Using Database Setup Wizard

The Database Setup Wizard of Configurator makes the database setup process easy and user-friendly.

The Database Setup Wizard is common for all three databases. However, some fields vary according to the selected database in the Settings > Database option. The available database options are Oracle and SQL Server. For more information on selecting the database option, refer to the Configurator chapter of TIBCO MDM System Administration.


Before running the Database Setup Wizard, ensure the following:

  • The database is installed.
  • The database client is installed on the local computer.
  • If a user has already been created, specify the schema credentials. If the user has not been created, specify the DBA credentials. For information, refer to Creating Database Users for Seed Data Creation.
  • TIBCO MDM is installed and the environment variables are created.
  • Database SQL scripts are available.
    • For Oracle: in $MQ_HOME/db/oracle.
    • For SQL Server: in $MQ_HOME/db/sqlserver.
  • For Oracle, the table spaces are not created.
  • The following database JDBC JAR files are copied in the $MQ_HOME/configurator/tomcat/lib folder for seed data creation:
    • For Oracle: ojdbc8.jar copy from $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib
    • For SQL Server: mssql-jdbc-7.2.2.jre11.jar ( Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.2 for SQL Server, Java Development Kit (JDK) 11.0 ) download from Microsoft Download Center
  • For Oracle Database client globalization support, the following JVM arguments have been added in the $MQ_HOME/configurator/tomcat/bin/setenv.bat file.
    • -Duser.language=en


  1. Log in to Configurator.
  2. Click Tools > Set up Database. is displayed.
  3. In the Database Setup Wizard for databasename with the Database Access Mode screen, select one of the following options:
    1. Create New MDM Database User: Select this option to create a new database user.
    2. Use an Existing MDM Database User: Select this option to specify details of an existing user.

      To specify details of a new database user or an existing database user, refer to the following table:

      New and Existing Database User Details
      Field Name Description
      Database Host The IP address or host name of the server where database is installed.
      Database Port By default, the port specific to each database is displayed. For example,
      • For Oracle, the default database port is 1521.
      • For SQL Server, the default database port is 1433.

        You can change the port value, if required.

      Database Name (TNS Name) The name of the database where TIBCO MDM data should be installed.
      Note: For Oracle RAC, specify the SID of either of the two clusters of the RAC database.
      DBA User Name The user name of the database administrator.
      DBA User Password The password of the database administrator.
      Test Connection Click Test Connection to connect to the database and verify if the connection is successful. If the test connection is not successful, verify the specified database details.
      New MDM Database User Name The new user name used for the connection to the database.
      New MDM Database User Password The new password used for the connection to the database.
      Confirm MDM Database User Password Reenter the new password for confirmation.
      Note: Remember the user name and password.
      Table Space Location

      (For Oracle database)

      The file system directory (absolute path) location where all table spaces are created. This must be a local directory on the computer where database is running. You can specify a custom location and provide a full path of the directory. The directory should have ’write permission’ to write a file.


      • If you do not specify the table space location, by default the table spaces are created in the $ORACLE_HOME/database directory.
      • It is recommended that the file system in this directory contains a significant amount of available space. This directory is assigned by a DBA and should be backed up on a regular basis. For example: /opt/oradata
      Database File Location

      (For SQL Server database)

      The SQL Server database location. You can specify a custom location and provide a full path of the directory.

      Note: Database File Location should have permission to write files.

      Database File Location

      (For SQL Server database)

      The SQL Server database location.
      Database Host The IP address or host name of the server, where database is installed.
      Database Port By default, the port specific to each database is displayed. For example,
      • For Oracle, the default database port is 1521.
      • For SQL Server, the default database port is 1433.

        You can change the port value, if required.

      Database Name (TNS Name) The name of the database where TIBCO MDM data is installed.
      Database User Name The user name used for the connection to the database.
      Database User Password The password used for the connection to the database.
    3. On the Database Details and Create New MDM Database User screens, click Next.
  4. In the MDM Instance Details screen, enter the following details and click Next:
    MDM Instance Details
    Field Name Description
    MDM Instance Name Specify the instance name of TIBCO MDM. When you have multiple instances, and you want to install a database, you can specify a particular instance name. For example, preproduction and postproduction instances. An instance entry is added in the database table.
    MDM Instance Description Specify the instance description of TIBCO MDM.
  5. In the Storage Profile Details screen, select one of the following storage profile options:
    1. Typical: select this option to use the default values. A Typical profile installs table spaces for the Oracle database and the database file location for the SQL Server database.

      After you select the Typical storage profile option, the Confirm Storage Parameters screen is displayed. Confirm the default values and click Install to install the seed data. Refer to step 6.

    2. Custom: select this option to specify the customized values for the default table space.

      After you select the Custom storage profile option, the Custom Profile Setup screen is displayed. Specify the values, size, and location for the default table spaces.

    3. Click Next.
  6. In the Confirm Storage Parameters screen, confirm the customized values. Click Install to install the seed data.
  7. The MDM Seed Data Summary screen displays the success and error report of the seed data and schema creation.
    1. To view the schema and seed data log file, click Open.
    • For Oracle, by default, the log files are stored in $MQ_HOME/db/oracle/install/logs folder.
      Note: You can ignore tablespaces errors. For example,
      "ERROR:-ORA-01543: tablespace 'VELODBTEMP' already exists".
    • For SQL Server, by default, the log files are stored in $MQ_HOME/db/sqlserver/install/logs folder.
  8. Click Finish to complete the database setup process.