Managing Your Profile

Use the My Account Profile page on the menu to manage your basic account information.


  1. Log in to TIBCO MDM.
  2. Expand User Profile on the upper-right corner of the main UI and then select Profile.
    The My Account Profile page is displayed.
  3. Enter the details in the fields. The My Account Profile page is divided into the following sections:
    My Account Profile Fields
    Field Name Description
    My Account Profile Displays your name, contact details, and role. You can change your password from here. Password policies may be configured by your administrator. If single sign-on is set up, you cannot see or modify the password. You can add new phone numbers and emails here.


    • Changes to your profile can be done here. However, if you have privileges to maintain user accounts, you can update your profile from the User Accounts page as well.
    • Changes made to the account profile are effective only when you log in again.
    • The email address provided is used for work item notification if a work item is assigned to you.
    Delegation Profile
    • You can choose to enable your delegation profile and specify how delegation should work.
    • Delegation is a part of customization and will not appear automatically to all users.
    Locale Settings
    • You can use this section to set a locale of your choice. You can select the Language and the Country from the respective drop-down lists available in this group. However, setting the locale settings will override your browser’s default locale settings. You can select from the available languages.
    • Depending on the Language selected, the Country drop-down list, is populated.

      Note: Changes made to locale settings are effective only when you log in again.

    User Defined Fields

    Show Record Attribute Help?

    This value controls whether the repository attribute Help should be shown when you are editing records. You can enter Yes or No. If Yes is specified and the cursor is moved on an attribute while editing records, a Help icon is displayed.
  4. Click Save.