Directory Structure

The JBoss WildFly Application Server directory structure is different from its previous versions. Therefore, you should understand its directory structure. Navigate to the location where you have downloaded the JBoss Application Server WildFly verison.

The following table lists and describes each folder included in the wildfly-version.Final folder:

wildfly-version Directory
Sub folder Name Description
appclient Contains configuration files, deployment content, and writable areas used by the application client container run from this installation.

bin > client

Contains start up scripts and configuration files. It also contains various command line utilities such as vault, add-user, and Java diagnostic report available only for Unix and Windows environments.
Contains a client JAR file for use by non-maven based clients and a readme file.
docs > schema Contains XML schema definition files.
domain Contains configuration files, deployment content, and writable areas used by the domain mode processes run from this installation.
modules Contains various modules that are used in the JBoss Application Server. JBoss Application Server WildFly version is based on a modular class loading architecture.
standalone Contains configuration files, deployment content, and writable areas used by the single standalone server run from this installation. For more information, refer to Standalone Directory Structure.
welcome-content Contains default Welcome Page content.

The following two modes are used to run the server:

  • Standalone
  • Domain