Initiation of Database Loader

You can initiate the Database Loader in the following ways:

  • Using User Interface: Click Import for a specific input map from Input Map screen; provided that the selected input map approval option is Database Loader. For more information on Import Record, refer to Importing Records.
  • Using FileWatcher: Use import or load import data set database loader; provided that the selected inputmap approval option is Database Loader. For more information on Input Map, refer to Input Maps.

    You can use the FileWatcher mode to load data without continuous monitoring, and can take advantage of a 24 hours window, compared to the traditional 8 hour work day.

    Large loads should be broken into multiple smaller loads. FileWatcher internally sequences all loads, and executes each load sequentially. If one load is being processed, other load is queued until the previous load completes. For more information on FileWatcher, refer to FileWatcher chapter in TIBCO MDM Customization.

  • Using Command Line: Run dbloader.bat or from $MQ_HOME/bin.
    • Mandatory arguments: -e, -i, -c and -u
    • Optional argument: -freshdata
    • -e: Name of the organization.
    • -i: Name of catalog input map.
    • -c: Name of the catalog.
    • -u: Username.
    • -freshdata: No value is required for this argument. It indicates that data is clean and initial version records only.
Note: User name and organization names are case-sensitive.

After running database loader, data is loaded into the specified repository (and its related repositories specified in the input map) from the specified organization using the provided input map.