MDM Specific Workflows

The workflows specific to MDM are located in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/Standard/workflow folder.

MDM Specific Workflows
File Description
cancelworkflowv1.xml Predefined workflow to cancel event. This sub workflow is called from a cancelled workflow before the cancel transition is executed. It is advised not to change this workflow.
checkrestart_subflowv1.xml Subflow to check if the parent event should be restarted.
wfin24classimpv2.xml Workflow to import classification codes based on a datasource.
wfin26BackEndIntegrationV1_Sample1.xml Sample workflow for setting up integration with a backend system.

For more details, see TIBCO MDM System Administration.

wfin26BackEndIntegrationV1_Sample2.xml Sample workflow for setting up integration with a backend system.

For more details, see TIBCO MDM System Administration.

wfin26catactionv2.xml Publication request notification (RFCIN) workflow for GDSN.
wfin26catmassupdate2v1.xml Mass update workflow. This is a sub flow called by wfin26catmassupdatev1.
wfin26catmassupdatev1.xml Mass update workflow.
wfin26catmultipartysynchv2.xml Workflow to kick off synchronization when more than one partner or backend system is selected for synchronization. This workflow iterates over each selected partner and initiates synchronization for each partner.
wfin26dqcatsourceimportv1.xml Data quality workflow to process import records sequentially.
wfin26catsourceimportv2.xml Workflow for import or load and import events.
wfin26catsourcev4.xml Workflow for data source loads.
wfin26catsourcev5.xml Workflow for data source loads and import of records.
wfin26catsourcev6.xml Workflow for data source upload and import of records.
wfin26catsourcev7.xml Workflow for data source upload and import of records. A new AddressCleansing activity is added in this workflow.
wfin26catsynchdbdumpv2.xml Workflow to extract the master catalog data into a CSV file. The workflow does not create any history and does not support incremental extraction.
wfin26catsynchdbdumpv3.xml Workflow to extract and process repository data.
wfin26catsynchdbdumpv4.xml Workflow to extract all relationships and related records. Used by the Export Records feature. You can customize the workflow for exporting the selected records using the EvaluateSubset activity.
wfin26catsynchdbdumpv4_incremental.xml Workflow to export data in an incremental mode, that is, only records that are added or updated after the last export are exported. Used by the Incremental Export Records feature.
wfin26catsynchv6.xml Data Synchronization workflow.
wfin26catsynchv7.xml Data Synchronization workflow.
wfin26dataservicev2.xml Workflow to import or export meta data into XML.
wfin26dqcatsourcev1.xml Import workflow for data quality.
wfin26dqproductaddapprovalv1.xml Data quality workflow for new record introduction through the UI.
wfin26dqcatAddRecordApprovalv1.xml Data quality workflow for new record introduction with the match and merge operation.
wfin26dqscheduleddedupv1.xml Scheduler duplicated detection workflow.
wfin26prodpubreqapprovalv2.xml Synchronization request notification workflow.
wfin26productaddapprovalv3.xml Workflow to implement record introduction, conflict resolution, and lights-out synchronization of a new record.
wfin26productaddinternaleditv1.xml Invoked as a subflow process from wfin26dqproductaddapprovalv1.xml.
wfin26productcorrectv1.xml Workflow to implement record correction. This workflow is applicable only for UI operation correction.
wfin26producteditapprovalv3.xml Workflow to implement record modification, conflict resolution, and lights-out synchronization of changes.
wfin26productfactsheetpdfv2.xml Sample workflow to demonstrate how to generate a PDF using translate activity. The workflow generate a PDF file for record data.
wfin26productmanualmergev1.xml Workflow to execute manual merge process.
wfin26productmergeapprovalv1.xml Invoked as a subflow process from wfin26dqcatsourcev1.xml.


Workflow to execute data purge.
  • wfin26hierarchycreateapprovalv1.xml
  • wfin26hierarchyeditapprovalv1.xml
  • wfin26hierarchydeleteapprovalv1.xml
Workflows to process approval of the hierarchy operations. The following activities are added in these workflows:
  • GetHierarchy
  • CheckHierarchyState
    • LockHierarchy
    • CheckLockState
  • UpdateHierarchyState

The CreateWorkItem activity is updated for hierarchy approval, that is, for create, edit, delete, and link operations.

For more information, see TIBCO MDM Workflow Reference.

wfin26hierarchylinkapprovalv1.xml Workflow to process approval of hierarchy link operation. The UpdateHierarchyLink activity is added in this workflow.