Swagger UI

Swagger is a set of open-source tools that can help you design, build, document, and consume REST APIs. Swagger scans the application code and exposes the documentation on the URL. You can consume this URL (a JSON document) to understand the capabilities of the REST service without accessing the actual source code and documentation.

The Swagger UI is an open source project to visually render documentation for a Swagger-defined API, directly from the API's Swagger specification. Currently, it uses Swagger specification version 2.0 and Application API version 2.0. For more information on Swagger, see the Swagger website and the OpenAPI specification.

Using Swagger UI integrated with TIBCO MDM, you can:
  • View all REST service endpoints and operations on each endpoint implemented by the REST Service
  • Examine the inputs and outputs for each operation in the JSON format with detailed schema
  • Allow end developers to effortlessly interact and try out every single operation that the API exposes for easy consumption
  • Specify JSON as the content type for a request and response for each operation
  • Invoke an operation and receive a live response for the input specified
  • Generate and download the Swagger.json file

The REST services samples are available in $MQ_HOME\schema\RestService.