====================================================================== Product Name : TIBCO(R) Managed File Transfer Command Center Release Version : 8.5.2 Release Date : February 2024 ====================================================================== Introduction MFT Command Center(TM) provides a single point of control to manage all of your enterprise file transfers, both inside and outside the enterprise, and across all major platforms (from Windows to the Mainframe). Command Center serves as the digital dashboard into your entire network; using a standard Web browser, administrators can review and control all file-transfer activity - whether internal transfers across the extended enterprise or external transfers with customers, suppliers and business partners (B2B). ====================================================================== Supported Platforms IBM AIX 7.2, 7.3 64-bit on pSeries Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit on x86-64 Microsoft Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022 64-bit on x86-64 Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.x, 15.x 64-bit on x86-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.x, 8.x 64-bit on x86-64 8.2 64-bit on System z Additional Information Please note that support is provided for TIBCO's Managed File Transfer products only when used with an indicated third party vendor's generally supported release versions. Once the operating system or other software component goes into extended support mode, or the vendor no longer supports a version, it will cease to be supported by TIBCO Technical Support. Please see the following sections for additional information on supported operating system, database system, Java, and other software components.Customers should migrate to supported versions of Windows Client and Windows Server because in the event that you encounter an issue/outage in your environment on an unsupported product, Microsoft engineers may not be able to help resolve the issue until you've upgraded to a supported level. Each JMS server install contains jar files generally in the \java\lib directory needed by both MFTCC and MFTIS. These files must be copied from the JMS server and placed in the \server\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib directory upon installation. Below are the JMS jar files needed for TIBCO EMS Servers: -jms-2.0.jar -tibcrypt.jar (not required if using EMS Server version 8.4 or above) -tibjms.jar ====================================================================== Supported Third-party Software Development Tool Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1 Oracle Java Development Kit 17, 21 LDAP IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.2.x, 6.3.x Microsoft Active Directory 2016, 2019, 2022 Novell eDirectory 8.7.x, 8.8.x Sun ONE Directory Server 6.0.x, 6.3.3 Messaging System Apache ActiveMQ 5.x IBM WebSphere MQ 9.x IBM WebSphere MQ Server 7.x, 8.x Open Source Amazon Corretto 17, 21 IBM Semeru OpenJDK 17, 21 OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment 1.17.x, 1.21.x Web Browser Apple Safari 15.x, 16.x, 17.x Google Chrome 120.x Microsoft Edge 120.x Mozilla Firefox 121.x Additional Information Note: - Java: Java 17 or Java 21 is required MFT Command Center Administrator interface can be configured to work with one of the following third party JMS servers: - Apache Active MQ v5.x - IBM MQ Series v7.1, 8.x, 9.x Each JMS server install contains jar files generally in the <JMS_Install>\java\lib directory needed by both MFTCC and MFTIS. These files must be copied from the JMS server and placed in the <MFTCC_Install>\server\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib directory upon installation. Below is the JMS jar files needed for the following tested JMS Servers: ActiveMQ 5.x - activemq-all-5.5.1,jar IBM MQ WebSphere Series 7.1, and 8.x, 9.x - com.ibm.mq.commonservices.jar - com.ibm.mq.headers.jar - com.ibm.mq.jar - com.ibm.mq.jmqi.jar - com.ibm.mq.pcf.jar - com.ibm.mqjms.jar - connector.jar - dhbcore.jar - mqcontext.jar - com.ibm.mq.allclient.jar - fscontext.jar - jms.jar - providerutil.jar ====================================================================== Minimum Hardware Requirements Disk Space: MFT Command Center - 1 GB Database Table Space - Low volume: 100 MB, High volume: 1 GB + Memory: 8 GB CPU: For managing up to 100 Server nodes, two or more processor cores at 2.5 GHz or faster, up to 200 Server nodes, four or more processor cores at 2.5 GHz or faster. ====================================================================== Minimum Software Requirements Third-party Software: Microsoft SQL Server 2019, 2022 MySQL 5.5.x, 5.6.x, 5.7.x, 8.x Oracle Database 19c 19.x PostgreSQL 10.x, 12.3, 14.1, 15.x Additional Information Database: Users need to have one of the supported Databases installed to connect to during the Command Center install. Databases for MFT should support a UTF-8 character set and have a case insensitive collation. Customers must provide the database JDBC drivers for their instance. Below are links that may be helpful to locate the drivers you need: MS SQL - MFT supports two JDBC Drivers: Microsoft and SourceForge. We suggest using the Microsoft JDBC driver. The Microsoft JDBC driver can be downloaded from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/download-microsoft-jdbc-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-2017 The SourceForge JDBC driver can be downloaded from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jtds/files/. Supported database driver is jTDS 1.3.1. Note: There are two zip files you can download, jtds-1.3.1-src.zip and jtds-1.3.1-dist.zip. Download the distribution file, jtds-1.3.1-dist.zip, and place it in a temporary directory. Extract all the files and verify jtds-1.3.1.jar is there. MySQL - The driver can be downloaded from: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ PostgreSQL - The driver can be downloaded from: https://jdbc.postgresql.org/ Oracle - Customers must provide the Oracle JDBC drivers. Supported drivers are ojdbc8 (Oracle 19c) which can be downloaded from the www.oracle.com website. Notes for Oracle database use: The Oracle RAC Single Client Access Name (SCAN) for Oracle Real Application Clusters is not supported. The following url provides additional information: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/clustering/overview/scan-129069.pdf The following connection string example explicitly lists the participating Oracle RAC jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=on)(FAILOVER=ON) (ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=host1)(PORT=1521))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=host2)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME= ServiceName)( SERVER=DEDICATED))) Java: One of the supported JDK needs to be installed. The appropriate 64-bit Java JDK/SDK must be installed as determined by the server architecture. Java Heap Size: Default Minimum 512 MB Default Maximum 4096 MB or 50% of installed RAM. If a maximum value is specified greater than available RAM, the MFT Command Center may fail to start. ====================================================================== TIBCO Product Compatibilities TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) Plug-in for TIBCO(R) Managed File Transfer 1.0.0 - 6.3.1 TIBCO BusinessWorks(TM) Container Edition 2.8.1 and above TIBCO Enterprise Message Service(TM) 8.0.0 and above ====================================================================== Product-Specific Information Additional Database Table Space information: There are many factors that should be considered when planning and allocating database disk space. The most significant include: 1. The number of audit records that will be written from Internet Server 2. The total number of audit records that will be written from all Platform Servers 3. How long audits be retained in the database 4. The size of the audit records The actual size of the audit record depends on a number of factors including the length of file names, number and size of post processing actions, number and size of email notification addresses, etc. Most audit records will range from 1 to 4 KB in size with an estimated average of approximately 2 KB. A 4 KB audit record would normally be considered very large. Using 2 KB as an average, for example, 10 GB of disc space would be enough to retain approximately 5 million audit records in the database. Database Connection: The default MFT Command Center maximum database connection parameter value is set during installation to 400. For high volume file transfer environments, increase the parameter above the default of 400. The database maximum connections parameter should match the MFT Command Center maximum database connection. Please refer to your database manual for information on how to set this parameter. As with any enterprise application, changes may need to be made to firewalls and other security systems in a production environment. The following tables list default ports for services required and used within MFT Command Center. Please note that these are the default ports, you will need to check with the appropriate systems administrator to ensure these ports are used in your enterprise. Either http or https can be used for soap calls. By default TIBCO MFT Command Center uses ports 8080 and 8443 for http and https respectively. These defaults can be changed at installation time. MS SQL Server - 1433 Oracle - 1521/1522 MySQL - 3306 PostgreSQL - 5432 ====================================================================== Documentation Documentation for this and other TIBCO products is available on the TIBCO Documentation site. This site is updated more frequently than any documentation that might be included with the product. To ensure that you are accessing the latest available help topics, visit: https://docs.tibco.com. ====================================================================== TIBCO Product Support You can contact TIBCO Support in the following ways: For an overview of TIBCO Support, visit https://www.tibco.com/services/support. To access the Support Knowledge Base and getting personalized content about products you are interested in, visit the TIBCO Support portal at https://support.tibco.com. To create a Support case, you must have a valid maintenance or support contract with TIBCO. You also need a user name and password to log in to https://support.tibco.com. If you do not have a user name, you can request one by clicking Register on the website. ====================================================================== Copyright (c) 2024. Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.