Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions are listed questions and answers that are supposed to be commonly asked when using SOAP API.

Can web service and Java APIs allow the client to initiate and start or stop a file transfer?

The web service allows you to initiate a transfer between two TIBCO MFT Platform Servers. It is what we call a third party transfer in that MFT requests that one TIBCO MFT Platform Server initiates a CFI protocol transfer to another TIBCO MFT Platform Server. After a transfer is started, you have no way to stop it. The Java API provided allows you to perform a transfer between the computer executing the API and TIBCO MFT Internet Server. The transfer can be stopped by using the stopTransfer method.

What version of Java API specification is adopted?

Java 1.8 is supported.

Are there any Java APIs available for TIBCO MFT Platform Server so that a Java-based client can be programmed? If not, what interface is available so that a transfer can happen between the machine running the Java-based client and the machine running TIBCO MFT Platform Server.

No Java APIs available for TIBCO MFT Platform Server. MFT is the interface between Java and TIBCO MFT Platform Server.

What protocol is used by the Java API to communicate with TIBCO MFT Internet Server?

The HTTPS protocol is used.

Where can I find the following classes to import?


com.proginet.sift.fileTransferApplet.api.APISendFileThread, com.proginet.sift.fileTransferApplet.api.APIRecvFileThread, and com.proginet.sift.fileTransferApplet.api.TransferObserver can be found in the NonGuiApplet.jar file. FTClient.FTServiceService and FTClient.FTService_PortType can be found in the FTClient.jar file.

Can a wildcard be used when transferring files with the API?

No, wildcards are not supported with the API and files must be transferred one at a time.

Can a web service be used to transfer a file?

No, only APIs are available to transfer files.

How do I use SOAP to transfer files from TIBCO MFT Platform Server through TIBCO MFT Internet Server and on to an external business partner?

TIBCO MFT Command Center facilitates this scenario. TIBCO MFT Platform Server send or receive files can be executed by performing a SOAP call to TIBCO MFT Command Center.