JMS XML Schema and XML files

The XSD file defines the rules that must be followed when creating XML files and therefore should not be updated. The XML file defines the parameters necessary to perform a JMS function.

When you want to update the XML files, it is good practice to copy them to a new folder to keep the original files in their original status. Each sample XML file has a corresponding XSD file. See the XSD file associated with the XML file for the rules that define allowable values in the XML file.

All XSD and sample XML files can be found in the <MFTIS_Install>/server/webapps/<context>/example/JMS directory.

XSD Files
XML Schema File Description
AuditRequest.xsd Defines the format of the parameters necessary to initiate an audit search of the MFT database. The audit request will search the MFT database for transfers that match the defined audit search filters.
AuditResponse.xsd Defines the format of the audit response. This XSD file is used for multiple responses and returns an array of 0 or more audit records. For the audit search, it will return a record for each transfer that matches the audit search filters. For other requests, it will return only one record.

The audit response is written in response to the following TIBCO MFT Command Center and TIBCO MFT Internet Server functions:

  • Alert
  • Audit Request
  • Transfer Notification
  • Transfer Request Internet Server
  • Transfer Request Platform Server
ManageConfigResponse.xsd Defines the XML data that is returned when a management request is initiated and the request type is ManageConfigRequest. This response XML maps the MFT JMS configuration parameters.
ManageRequest.xsd Defines the format of the parameters necessary to initiate a management request. This request is used internally to extract configuration information from TIBCO MFT Internet Server.

Three request types are allowed:

  • ManageConfigRequest: returns the JMS configuration parameters.
  • ManageServerRequest: returns a list of MFT servers defined to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
  • ManageServerTransfers: returns a list of pre-defined transfers.
Note: The ManageServerRequest request will return a different list of servers based on the request JMS type set:
  • ManageServerRequest: returns all Platform Server servers.
  • ManageServerRequestIS: returns all Internet Server servers.
ManageServerResponse.xsd Defines the XML data that is returned when a management request is initiated and the request type is ManageServerRequest.

There are two types of responses that can be returned, based on the JMS type setting of the ManageServerRequest request:

  • ManageServerRequest: returns the name of all Platform Server servers defined to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
  • ManageServerRequestIS: returns the name of all Internet Server servers defined to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
ManageTransferResponse.xsd Defines the XML data that is returned when a management request is initiated, the request type is ManageTransferRequest and the request JMS type is ManageTransferRequest. This response returns all Platform Server transfers defined to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
ManageTransferResponseIS.xsd Defines the XML data that is returned when a management request is initiated, the request type is ManageTransferRequestIS and the request JMS type is ManageTransferRequestIS. This response returns the all Internet Server transfers defined to TIBCO MFT Internet Server that the user defined in the ManageRequest request is authorized to access.
TransferRequestInternetServer.xsd Defines the format of the parameters required to initiate an Internet Server transfer. Internet Server transfers can only be initiated through JMS.

Internet Server transfers can perform the following actions:

  • Read a JMS queue and send the data to a remote destination.
  • Read a local file and send the data to a remote destination.
  • Read data from a remote destination and write data to a JMS queue.
  • Read data from a remote destination and write data to a local file.

Two JMS records can be returned for this request:

  • Immediate response: indicates whether the request has been accepted and submitted to Internet Server for processing. This response does not have XSD data because no XML data is returned with this response. All data is returned in the JMS header.
  • Audit response: is written when a request has been accepted and the TransferStatusCheck parameter is set to Yes.
TransferRequestPlatformServer.xsd Defines the format of the parameters required to initiate a Platform Server transfer. This is occasionally called a 3rd party transfer. TIBCO MFT Internet Server retrieves data from the JMS queue and initiates a transfer to the Platform Server A to transfer a file to/from the Platform Server B.

Two JMS records can be returned for this request:

  • Immediate response: indicates whether the request has been accepted and submitted to the Platform Server server for processing. This response does not have XSD data because no XML data is returned with this response. All data is returned in the JMS header.
  • Audit response: is written when a request has been accepted and the TransferStatusCheck parameter is set to Yes.
ExecuteJobRequest.xsd Defines the format of the parameters necessary to initiate the execution of a scheduler job.
ExecuteJobResponse.xsd Defines the XML data that is returned when the execution of a scheduler job is initiated.

This response returns "0" or "Success" if the request is successful, or it returns the details of the error message if the request fails.

XML Files
Sample XML File Description
AuditRequest.xml Defines sample XML data to perform an audit request.
TransferRequestInternetServer.xml Defines sample XML data to initiate an Internet Server transfer.
TransferRequestPlatformServer.xml Defines sample XML data to initiate a Platform Server transfer.
Note: This sample file is used for TIBCO MFT Command Center requests only.
ExecuteJobRequest.xml Defines sample XML data to initiate the execution of a Scheduler job.
ExecuteJobResponse.xml Defines sample XML data to return when the execution of a Scheduler job is initiated.