Installing and Configuring Command-Line Utilities

To use the utilities, you must configure the utilities as required.


  1. Copy the .jar file and appropriate .zip or .tar file to a new folder. You must obtain the command-line utility from the <MFT_install>\distribution\InternetTransfer and <MFT_install>\distribution\AdminClient directories.
    If you are installing the Internet Transfer Client Utility on Windows, the following two files are required:
    • ClientCommon.jar
    If you are installing Internet Transfer Client Utility on UNIX, the following two files are required:
    • ClientCommon.jar
    • InternetTransferClient.tar


    If you are installing the Admin Client Utility on Windows, the following two files are required:
    • ClientCommon.jar
    If you are installing Admin Client Utility on UNIX, the following two files are required:
    • ClientCommon.jar
    • AdminClient.tar

    The directory of Internet Transfer Client Utility and the directory of Admin Client Utility contain three files each, a stub jar file (.jar) and a .zip file for Windows or a .tar file for UNIX. See Installation Files for more details.

  2. Extract the .zip file or the .tar file into the same directory from where you copied the files in Step 1. For example, run the following command on the UNIX platform to extract the .tar file:

    tar –xvf InternetTransferClient.tar


    tar –xvf Admin.Client.tar

    Note: If you want to use more than one utility on the same machine, ensure that you extract the utility files into their own directories.
  3. Open a command line and navigate to the folder where the files are extracted, and then run the following command to set up the class path for the program:
    • On Windows: run setutilcp
    • On UNIX: run . ./
  4. When the setup is completed, run java cfcc.Config and respond to prompt to configure the server and certificate information.
    The following information is required during the configuration:
    • The user ID to connect to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
    • The password for the user ID.
    • The name of the Java Trusted Keystore.
      Note: This file can be located in either the Java or directory. If the file does not exist, you will be asked if you want to create the file.
    • The password for the Java Trusted Keystore.
    • The IP name or IP address of TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
    • The IP port of TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
    • The web service to use (REST or SOAP).
    • The REST service version to use if you selected REST web service.
    • The TIBCO MFT Internet Server Context.


When the configuration is completed, the program connects to TIBCO MFT Internet Server and sets up the necessary certificate files. With the provided information, the program performs the following functions during the configuration:
  • Encrypts all passwords.
  • Updates the Global.xml file.
  • Validates the certificate and, if necessary, adding the certificate to the Java Trusted Keystore.
  • Tests the connection to the TIBCO MFT Internet Server.