Installing and Configuring Flannel for FTP


  1. Follow kubernetes installation steps, use kubeadm to create the cluster, select default cni network and install Flannel.
    kubeadm --pod-network-cidr=
  2. Install Flannel.
  3. After joining all nodes, switch to kubenet
    vi /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env
  4. Change cni to kubenet.
  5. Fix kubelet crash, and optionally enable cadvisor port to view cadvisor GUI.
    vi /etc/sysconfig/kubelet

    KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=--runtime-cgroups=/systemd/system.slice --kubelet-cgroups=/systemd/system.slice --cadvisor-port=4194

  6. Restart kubelet.
    systemctl daemon-reload

    systemctl restart kubelet

    systemctl start|stop|status servicename(For example, kubelet)


The sample yaml files are located in the following location:

MFT-Install/cloud/k8s_samples/yaml_fyi_only/hostport directory

Edit the YAML files like you did the YAML files in the yaml_default directory.