Tokens Supported in Transfer Completion Templates

You can use tokens in the transfer completion template provided by TIBCO MFT Internet Server.

The format of a token is as follows:

<token name=”xxxxxxxxxx”/>

Where, xxxxxxxxxx defines the name of the token. The following tokens are supported in the file availability template:

Token Description
auditid This token defines the audit record number associated with the file transfer request.

This token can be used in a URL to point to the audit record for the file that was transferred. If done correctly, you can branch directly to the audit record for this file transfer request. It is more likely that this would be included on the failure template than the success template.

bytecount This token defines the number of bytes that were transmitted during the transfer.

In a successful transfer, this should match the size of the file. In an unsuccessful transfer, this number does not necessarily match the number of bytes that were transferred; it defines the number of bytes that were sent or received before an error was detected.

clientfilename This token defines the name that has been defined for the file on the client side.
endtime This token defines the time when the file transfer request was completed.
fileid This token is typically used in the URL to define the record ID of the file that was transferred.
node This token defines the target server associated with the file transfer.
proxystatusmsg This token defines the last error message associated with the file transfer request.

This is usually a better indication of the actual reason that caused a file transfer failure.

serverfilename This token defines the name that has been defined for the file on the server side.

This is also the name of the file on the target server.

sessionid This token defines the session ID used for the file transfer.

This is for information purposes only.

starttime This token defines the time when the file transfer request was started.
transferdirection This token defines whether the transfer will be an upload (client to TIBCO MFT Internet Server server) or a download (TIBCO MFT Internet Server server to client).
transferstatus This token defines the transfer status.


transferstatusmsg This token defines the last message associated with the file transfer request.

This is often a generic message that indicates that the transfer failed.

userid This token defines the user ID associated with the file transfer.