ID Information

TIBCO MFT Internet Server assigns IDs to various functions. All the IDs have the same format except for the length of the sequential number given at the end.

The sequential number at the end of the ID will only be five digits for the initiator or responder platform transfers. All the other IDs will contain a seven digit number.

The following table lists the components of an ID:

Byte Description
1 The source of the ID:
  • A: TIBCO MFT Platform Server Internet audit
  • C: TIBCO MFT Platform Server Platform audit
  • E: alert audit ID
  • F: transfer definition ID
  • I: initiator audit record
  • L: alert ID
  • N: node ID
  • P: Platform Server user profile and responder profile definitions
  • R: responder audit record
  • S: audit search filter definition
  • T: Platform Server transfer definition
2 The month:
  • 1: January
  • 2: February
  • 3: March
  • 4: April
  • 5: May
  • 6: June
  • 7: July
  • 8: August
  • 9: September
  • A: October
  • B: November
  • C: December
3,4 The day of the month from 01 to 31.
5 The year.

F-2015 through Z-2036

6-12 The sequential number in hex between 0 to FFFFFFF.