
The AddAdminUser command action is used to define an administrative user to the TIBCO MFT Internet Server system.

The user is automatically assigned AdministratorRight.

In the following table, parameters for this command are provided in alphabetical order.
Note: The parameters provided in this table are also used for the UpdateUser command.
Parameter Description Default Required
AddPGPKey (paddk) Allows a user to add a PGP key. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y
  • N
  • D

The default value is D.

D No
AllowableProtocol Specifies the protocol that the user is allowed to use for a file transfer. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • FTP
  • Secure FTP (referred as SECUREFTP)
  • CF (for MFT Platform Server)
  • Secure
  • AS2
  • SSL/TLS (for MFT Platform Server)
  • All (includes all listed protocols except AS2)
All No
AssignedGroups Specifies the groups that a user has to be added to. Add groups between double quotation marks ("") and use a semi-colon (;) as delimiter. None No
AssignedRights Specifies the rights that have to be assigned to a user. A transfer right is assigned by default. Add rights between double quotation marks ("") and use a semi-colon (;) as delimiter. None No
CanChangePassword Specifies whether the user is allowed to change his/her own password. The valid values are Y and N. Y No
CertificateDN Specifies the user’s certificate distinguish name. The maximum value is up to 1024 characters. None No
CFAuthType Specifies the type of authentication for CF transfers. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1: password only
  • 2: certificate only
  • 3: certificate or password
  • 4: certificate and password
None No
ChangePasswordNextLogin Specifies whether the user have to change his/her password the next time they log on. The valid values are Y and N. Y No
Company Name (cname) Specifies the company name in 1 - 64 characters. None No
DefaultRole Specifies the user’s default role. None No
Department Specifies the department the user is placed in. None No
Description Specifies the description for the user.

The description can contain embedded blanks but must be enclosed within double quotation marks (" "). The maximum value is up to 256 characters.

None No
DisableFlag Specifies whether the user is initially disabled from the 1 – 64 character system. The valid values are Y and N. N No
EmailAddr Specifies the user’s email address. The maximum length is 64 characters. None No
EndDate Specifies the date when the user’s account becomes inactive in the TIBCO MFT Internet Server system. The format for this parameter is YYYY/MM/DD. The date range is 2000/01/01 to 2099/12/31. None Yes
ExpirationDate Specifies the date when the user’s account is expired from TIBCO MFT Internet Server system. The format for this parameter is YYYY/MM/DD. The date range is 2000/01/01 to 2099/12/31. None Yes
FTPAuthType Specifies the type of authentication for FTP transfers. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1: password only
  • 2: certificate only
  • 3: certificate or password
  • 4: certificate and password
None No
FullName Specifies the 1 to 256 character name for the user.

The FullName parameter can contain embedded blanks but must be enclosed within double quotation marks (" ").

None Yes
HTTPSAuthType Specifies the type of authentication for HTTPS transfers. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1: password only
  • 2: certificate only
  • 3: certificate or password
  • 4: certificate and password
None No
IPName (ipn) Specifies the 1 - 64 character machine name or IP address. (Required if RestrictUser=Y) None No
LockFlag Specifies whether the user is initially locked out of the TIBCO MFT Internet Server system. The valid values are Y and N. None No
ManageDepartments Specifies the departments to be managed separated by a semicolon (;). None No
MaxFileSize Specifies the maximum size of a file. None No
Netmask (netm) Specifies the 1 - 64 byte netmask. None No
Password Specifies the 1 to 30 character password assigned to the user.

The Password parameter cannot contain any embedded blanks. It is case sensitive.

None Yes
PasswordNeverExpires Specifies whether this password can ever expire. (Overrides the Global Password Rules)

The valid values are Y and N.

N No
PhoneNumber (phone) Specifies the 1 - 64 character telephone number. None No
RestrictUser (rus) Restricts the user.

The valid values are Y and N.

N No
SSHAuthType Specifies the type of authentication for SSH transfers. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1: password only
  • 2: certificate only
  • 3: certificate or password
  • 4: certificate and password
None No
StartDate Specifies the date when the user becomes active in the TIBCO MFT Internet Server System. Format-YYYY/MM/DD. The date range is 2000/01/01 to 2099/12/31. None Yes
TraceLevelFlag Specifies whether to use trace level. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 0: no tracing
  • 1-5 and 10: different levels of tracing
This flag should only be set under instruction from TIBCO Technical Support.
0 No
Usage Specifies the type of usage. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 0: non-file share user
  • 1: file share user
  • 2: mailbox user
None No
UserId Specifies the 1 to 64 character ID to be assigned to the user. The UserId parameter can not contain embedded blanks.
Note: The UserId can be defined in both upper and lower case, but is stored in the TIBCO MFT Internet Server database in uppercase.
None Yes
UserType Specifies the type of file share user only. This parameter is only applicable if usage is a file share user. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1: guest
  • 2: full user
  • 3: power user
None No
ValidDays Specifies a 7 character day of week pattern when the user can access the TIBCO MFT Internet Server system, Sunday being the first character, Monday the second, and so on. where each character can be Y or N. None Yes
ValidEndTime Specifies a time in military format HHMM when TIBCO MFT Internet Server no longer allows the user access. None Yes
ValidStartTime Specifies a time in military format HHMM when the user can start using TIBCO MFT Internet Server. None Yes
Visibility Specifies the user’s visibility. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • PUB: public
  • PRI: private

Sample AddAdminUser Command

The command below adds a user to the TIBCO MFT Internet Server user database.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:AddAdminUser UserId:CenterAdmin101 FullName:"MFT Internet Server Admin" Password:101 LockFlag:N ExpirationDate:2009/12/31 Description:"MFT Internet Server Admin 101" StartDate:2005/01/03 EndDate:2006/07/01 ValidDays:NYYYYYN ValidStartTime:1700 ValidEndTime:2100 AllowableProtocol:All