File Transfer Global Settings

The File Transfer Command Line Utility utilizes the Global.xml file to hold parameters that are required for all commands.

By setting these values in the global, it eliminates the need to specify them each time you run the command line utility. The following command line parameters may be configured in the Global.xml file:

Parameter Description
Service The URL of the TIBCO MFT Internet Server file transfer service.
U The UserID under which the utility changes will be performed.
P The password for the UserID.
KN The Java keystore name.
KP The Java keystore password.
TKN The trusted Java keystore name.
TKP The trusted Java keystore password.
AD The audit directory.

To edit the Global.xml file use a text editor such as NOTEPAD (Windows) or vi (UNIX).

To add the service address, first locate the following lines in the Global.xml:

<!-- default service address -->
<msg name="service"

Then modify the value=”” keyword to specify the location of your service. For example:

<!-- default service address -->
<msg name="service" value=
"https://MFT Internet Server.MYCOMPANY.COM:8443/cfcc/control?view=services/FTService"/>

Make sure that the service address is added between the double quotation marks (" ").

Repeat these changes for the audit directory, user ID, password, keystore, keystore password, trusted keystore and trusted keystore password. For example:

<!-- default user id -->
<msg name="userid" value="admin"/>
<!-- default user pwd -->
<msg name="userpwd" value="admin"/>
<!-- default java key store name -->
<msg name="jksname" value="D:\keystore\mykeystore.jks"/>
<!-- default java key store password -->
<msg name="jkspwd" value="changeit"/>
<!-- default trusted java key store name -->
<msg name="trustedjksname" value="D:\keystore\cacerts"/>
<!-- default trusted java key store password -->
<msg name="trustedjkspwd" value="changeit"/>
<!-- default audit directory -->
<msg name="auditdirectory" value=""/>

Optionally, if you do not want to clear text passwords stored in the Global.xml, you can use the TIBCO MFT Internet Server Config Utility to generate encrypted keys in this file.