Product Overview

A core component of TIBCO Managed File Transfer universal solution for secure, fast file transfers, TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Internet Server is the portal or gateway through which all files are exchanged with external users.

Available as either a web service or stand-alone application, TIBCO Managed File Transfer (MFT) Internet Server enables you to integrate seamlessly with your entire B2B network, automating and simplifying the most critical data-transfer activities, and guaranteeing FTP delivery — every single time. Equally important, the product’s advanced security mechanisms eliminate common authentication, security, and control risks associated with Internet file delivery.

TIBCO MFT Internet Server supports real-time communication and integration using a variety of popular protocols such as HTTPS, HTTP, FTPS (SSL), SFTP (SSH), FTP, and AS2, as well as popular open standards such as XML, SOAP, and UDDI. The solution is also incredibly easy to use. It installs quickly, is completely intuitive, and customizes easily to ensure smooth integration with your business ecosystem. To cap it all, TIBCO MFT Internet Server makes it easier to do business with your company; all your partners need is a standard web browser (no client software required).
Supplies complete data security and support for the world’s most stringent encryption standards.
Ensures compliance with all major regulatory mandates (Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, Fips 140-2, Section 508, etc.)
Guaranteed Delivery
Checkpoint/restart and other mechanisms provide guaranteed delivery and detect if a connection drops. Checkpoint/restart resumes the transfer at the exact point it dropped and continues until completed — no manual intervention is required. This provides vital support for organizations needing to satisfy service-level agreements.
High Availability/Clustering
Supports clustering for failover support and reliability.
No File-size Limits
Differs from many other file-transfer solutions because it has no file-size limitations, and can handle the transfer of very large files at the highest volumes.
Fully supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS (SSL), SFTP (SSH), AS2, CFI Protocol.
Platform Agnostic/Browser-based
Allows control through any standard web browser (IE, Firefox, Safari).
Partner Integration
Helps drive your B2B integration strategy and enables your organization to connect securely and efficiently with suppliers, business partners, and customers.
No “Store and Forward”
Provides strong proxying capabilities to ensure that incoming data is delivered directly to the back-end system and never stored in the DMZ.
Easy to Use
Browser interface allows getting up and running quickly with little or no technical expertise.