Database Driver Parameters

DB driver parameters are associated with the JDBC connection.

The following table lists the DB driver parameters:
Parameter Default Description
DBConn The JDBC URL defined during installation Defines the JDBC URL.

This parameter rarely changes after MFT installation. It occasionally changes when you want to add SSL support or High Availability support.

DBDriver The JDBC driver class name defined during installation Defines the JDBC driver class.

This parameter rarely changes unless you decide to change the JDBC driver used by MFT.

DBPass The encrypted database password defined during installation Defines the password of the database user associated with the JDBC connection.
DBPwdEncrypted true Defines whether the database password is encrypted.
DBUser The database user defined during installation Defines the database user associated with the JDBC connection.
OracleDatabaseSSLCipherSuites SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA



Defines the cipher suites used by Oracle JDBC connections.

Different Oracle server releases require different SSL cipher suites.