Installing the Desktop Client Program

To connect and install MFT desktop client program on your desktop, you can use either a full or a shortcut URL.

See the formats of the full URL and shortcut URL below:
  • Full URL: https://[DNS_HostName]:[httpsPort]/[context]/client/install.html
  • Shortcut URL: https://[DNS_HostName]:[httpsPort]/desktop-install
Note: If the default context was not used during the installation, the redirector file for this shortcut as well as others mentioned later in this manual will need to be updated to redirect to the non-standard context. Follow the instructions below to make these changes:

The redirection files can be found in the MFTIS_Install\server\webapps\ROOT directory. Use a text editor to open and change the cfcc context in these files to the new context chosen during the installation. Once your changes have been made, save and close the files.

When using a self-signed certificate, you must install the certificate before you can download and install the desktop client. For more information, see Installing a Certificate.


  1. Click on the Install button to have the MFT desktop client download and installed on the end user’s desktop.
    You may or may not see an Application Install - Security Warning message. Click Install.
  2. On the TIBCO MFT Desktop Client License Agreement window, click Accept.
  3. When the downloading and installation has completed, you will be presented with the following Welcome to MFT .NET Client window to enter a user ID and password to log in:

    If you do not want to log in at this time, you can click Cancel and try again later by clicking your start menu and navigating to Start > All Programs > MFT Desktop Client .