SOAP API Introduction

TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Command Center exposes two public web services that can be used by a developer to access, control, and integrate TIBCO Managed File Transfer (MFT) Command Center with a third party application.

The Administrator web service is used to configure and administer TIBCO MFT Command Center. The File Transfer web service is used to perform file transfers. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is used to describe and access each of the exposed services of TIBCO MFT Command Center. A copy of the SOAP specification can be found at HTTPS is the preferred network protocol to be used to access the web services of TIBCO MFT Command Center.

Documentation for each of the web services is provided in javadoc format. The file that contains the documentation in HTML format is located under the docs folder in the directory where TIBCO MFT Command Center is installed (where the cfcc.jar file is extracted). Contact the administrator that installed TIBCO MFT Command Center and have them send you this .zip file. Extract the file into any directory. Double-click the index.html file to get a list of all the packages and classes. Each method is explained later in this document.