RADIUS Authentication Parameters

RADIUS authentication parameters are used to configure RADIUS authentication.

The following table lists the RADIUS authentication parameters:
Parameter Default Description
RADIUS-Enabled False Defines whether all user ID and password authentication use the Radius protocol.

The value of true indicates that all user ID and password authentication use the RADIUS protocol.

The value of false indicates that the RADIUS protocol is not used.

The following parameter are available only when the RADIUS-Enabled parameter is set to True:
RADIUS-BackupAdapterIP No default Defines the binding adapter IP address of the backup RADIUS host.
RADIUS-BackupHost No default Defines the IP address or name of the backup RADIUS host.
RADIUS-BackupPort No default Defines the port of the backup RADIUS host.
RADIUS-BackupSecret No default Defines the backup RADIUS server secret.
Note: This parameter can only be set by using the dbsettings utility; it cannot be set manually.

You must set this parameter using the dbsettings utility before performing the RADIUS authentication.

RADIUS-PrimaryAdapterIP No default Defines the binding adapter IP address of the primary RADIUS host.
RADIUS-PrimaryHost No default Defines the IP address or name of the primary RADIUS host.
RADIUS-PrimaryPort No default Defines the port of the primary RADIUS host.
RADIUS-PrimarySecret No default Defines the primary RADIUS server secret.
Note: This parameter can only be set by using the dbsettings utility; it cannot be set manually.

You must set this parameter using the dbsettings utility before performing the RADIUS authentication.

RADIUS-SpecialUsers No default Defines users that will not be authentication by the RADIUS protocol.

It is good practice to add one user (administrator) that is not authenticated by RADIUS.

RADIUS-Synchronous True Defines whether communication to primary and backup RADIUS servers is synchronous or asynchronous.

The value of True indicates that the RADIUS authentication is synchronous. Communication to the backup RADIUS host will only be performed if communication to the primary RADIUS host times out.

The value of False indicates that the RADIUS authentication is asynchronous. Requests will be made to both the primary RADIUS and backup RADIUS hosts at the same time. MFT will use the first response that is received.

Note: This parameter is ignored if no backup RADIUS server is defined.
RADIUS-Timeout 10 Defines the RADIUS authentication timeout in seconds.

If a response is not received in this amount of time, the request will fail.