Retrieving Events

You can use the retrieveEvents call to retrieve up to 100 events performed by the logged-on user.

Sample URL





Parameter Description
lastEventId Optional.

Retrieve events older than this ID.

The default value is retrieving all event IDs.

dateoptional Optional.

Retrieve events on this date and older.

The format is yyyy-mm-dd. The default value is today.


The call returns an array of up to 100 event objects created by the user. A event object has the following fields:
Parameters Description
id Event ID .
createdOn An integer representation of the event date
eventType The event type
message A descriptive message


[{"message":"Helen Gao created abc.txt","createdOn":1380827713775,"id":"105","eventType":"2"}, {"message":"Helen Gao updated abc.txt","createdOn":1380827713786,"id":"106","eventType":"3"}]

More samples of messages are as follows:
  • You changed file abc 3 seconds ago.
  • You added folder ABC 2 hours ago.
  • You deleted file xyz yesterday.
  • You changed the name, confidentiality or comments of folder ABC yesterday. (Note: Currently these are all updateFile or updateFolder events.)
  • You changed share options of folder ABC yesterday. (Note: The message may get too long if we list the action for all users.)
  • You accepted an invitation to share folder ABC yesterday.
  • You copied file abc on Sept. 30, 2013.
  • You moved folder B on Sept. 30, 2013.
  • You sent file abc on Sept. 30, 2013.
  • You wiped device 123 on Sept. 30, 2013.
  • You emailed collaborators of folder ABC on Sept. 30, 2013.