Promoting Records (CLI mode)

After two servers have been defined, you can promote records from a source to a target server. In this mode, you can promote one record at a time. This mode be can run on any system with a supported Java. It is intended to be used by a back-end business process.


You must start the MFT Promotion Utility and define the source and the target servers. See Installing and Configuring the Promotion Utility (CLI Mode).


  1. To get general help on promoting components using the CLI, enter the command:
    promote help
    The following information is displayed.
    MFT Promotion Utility
    Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Cloud Software Group, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    The MFT Promotion Utility allows you to promote definitions from one MFT database to another MFT database.
    The format of the Promotion Utility Command Line is:
    Promote source:[source server] target:[target server] component:[component type] id:[component id or name] [optional parameters]
    source:    Defines the MFT Server where the definition is retrieved
    target:    Defines the MFT Server where the definition is added
    id:        Defines the id or name of the component.
    component: Defines the component to be promoted.
               The following components are supported:
               : server
               : transfer
               : platformtransfer
               : serverkey
               : department
               : user
               : group
               : userkey
    Ex. Promote source:oldServer target:newServer component:user id:UserA
    For additional help information, enter one of the following commands:
    Promote -help server            ==> displays help for component server
    Promote -help transfer          ==> displays help for component transfer
    Promote -help platformtransfer  ==> displays help for component platformtransfer
    Promote -help serverkey         ==> displays help for component serverkey
    Promote -help department        ==> displays help for component department
    Promote -help user              ==> displays help for component user
    Promote -help group             ==> displays help for component group
    Promote -help userkey           ==> displays help for component userkey
  2. To get help on promoting a specific component, enter the following command:
    Promote help component
    For example, to get help on promoting servers, enter the following command:
    Promote help server
    The following information is displayed.
    MFT Promotion Utility
    Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Cloud Software Group, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Promote server allows you to promote servers from one MFT server to another.
    Because passwords are not promoted, you can update the passwords by including the password parameters, or you can update the server in the target server using the browser admin or command line utility.
    The format of the Promotion Utility Command Line for server is:
    Promote source:[source server] target:[target server] component:server id:[server name] pwd:[default password] proxyPwd:[proxy password] DNIPwd:[DNI password]
    source:    Defines the MFT Server where the definition is retrieved
    target:    Defines the MFT Server where the definition is added
    id:        Defines the server name
    component: Sets the component as server
    pwd:       Defines the Default Password (Optional)
    proxyPwd:  Defines the Proxy Password (Optional)
    DNIPwd:    Defines DNI Password (Optional)
    Ex. Promote source:oldServer target:newServer component:server id:serverA pwd:DefaultPassword proxyPwd:ProxyPassword DNIPwd:DNIPassword