Supported Protocols in MFT Internet Server

MFT Internet Server supports the following client protocols:

  1. FTP, FTPS
  2. SFTP
  3. HTTP/HTTPS(through a browser client ort an API)
  4. AS2
  5. Platform Server Protocol
MFT Internet Server supports protocols for connecting to the following target servers:
  1. FTP, FTPS
  2. SFTP
  3. Platform Server (Proprietary Protocol)
  4. HTTP/HTTPS Server
  5. AS2
  6. Amazon S3 Buckets
  7. Custom Server
  8. Azure Fileshare, Block Blob or ADLS Gen2 storage
  9. JMS Server
  10. Local accessible storage (I.e. NAS or NFS)
  11. HDFS
  12. Google Cloud Storage or BigQuery storage