Execute Commands to Update the TIBCO MFT Internet Server Database


  • There are three ways you can update the database:
    • Execute the command with confirmations

      clouddbsetup mftqadb

    • Execute the silent command with no confirmations

      clouddbsetup mftqadb silent

    • Execute the Interactive command
      (Note: The first few menus are not displayed)
      Manage Servers
      1. mft830  [ mysql, jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mft830?characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC ]
      Please enter the number of the server to view details and manage or 'X' to return to main menu: 1
      Server Details [mftqadb]
      Name:                 mftqadb
      DB Type:              mysql
      DB User Id:           cfis
      DB Password:          *****
      DB Connection URL:    jdbc:mysql://mysql.qasvr:3306/mftqadb?characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false
      DB Driver ClassName:  com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
      Press enter for menu options
      Server Detail Menu [MFTQADatabase]
      1. View Entry
      2. Update Entry
      3. Copy Entry
      4. Delete Entry
      5. Test Database Connection
      6. Generate Cloud Database XML file
      7. Display Cloud Database Environment variables
      8. Update the Database
      9. Save your changes
      10. Back to Main Menu
      11. Exit
      Please enter the number corresponding to your selection: 8
      Are you sure you want to update the database for mft830?: y/n [n] y
      Database will be modified for new features.  Please backup database before proceeding.
      Do you wish to continue? y/n [y]
      setupSIFTDB running directory: C:\MFT830\is\cloud\dbconfig
      distribution directory: C:\MFT830\is\cloud
      installation directory: C:\MFT830\is
      Install directory: C:\MFT830\is
      (many DB Update messages are displayed, followed by these messages:)
      Successfully populated DB tables with default information.
      Database updated successfully.