Getting Metadata of a Folder
You can use the getFolder call to retrieve name, collaborators, and other attributes of a folder.
The call returns the folder. This is similar to the getFile call.
{"createdOn":1371245293603,"id":"8a2d03eb-e4e5-480b-893e-4fa6939f1b38","latestVersion":0,"parentId":"f51ca25f-1582-43b7-93d0-22a8e8b96713","users":"O:UserId1:A;E:UserId3:P","createdBy":"UserId1","shareId":"8a2d03eb-e4e5-480b-893e-4fa6939f1b38","name":"Sub folder of HG's Hi Lvl Folder 1","type":"D","size":0}
The format of the Users field is <User Type>:<User Id>:<Share Status>:<User Display>. The valid user type values are E (Editor), O (Owner), R (Root), V (Viewer), and N (not a collaborator). The valid values of share status is A (accepted) and P (pending).