File Transfer Examples

You can refer to the following examples to configure the SIFTSingleFileTransfer class for transferring a file.

Uploading a file to a Server

import com.tibco.cfcc.fileTransferApplet.nongui.*;
//create an instance and set parameters
SIFTSingleFileTransfer xfr = new SIFTSingleFileTransfer();
xfr.setFileTransferServletURL(“location of file transfer servlet”);
xfr.setTransferDirection(“SEND”); // it is an upload file per file record
xfr.setFileID(“file id”); // the file id in the file record
xfr.setSessionID(“session id”); // the current session id from server
xfr.setCompression(“YES or NO”); // depending value in file record
xfr.setUser id(“user who initiates the transfer”);
xfr.setPassword(“user’s password”);
//transfer the file
xfr. transferSingleFile();
//get result
int rc=xfr.getReturnCode();
long bytes=xfr.getBytesTransfered();
long cbytes=xfr.getCompressedByte();
String msg=xfr.getReturnMsg();

Downloading a file from a Server’s Directory

import com.tibco.cfcc.fileTransferApplet.nongui.*;
//create an instance and set parameters
… same as example 1, except
xfr.setTransferDirection(“RECEIVE”); // it is a download file per file record
xfr.setServerFileName(“file name to be downloaded”); //only for directory download
//transfer the file
… same as example 1
//get result
… same as example 1