
The RemoveServer command action is used to delete a node definition from the TIBCO MFT Internet Server node definition table.

To use the RemoveServer command, the user must have UpdateServerRight. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command action. When this command completes successfully, the server is removed from the server definition table.

Parameter Description Default Required
ServerName Specifies the 1 to 32 character node name.
This is the name that TIBCO MFT Platform Server is known as within the TIBCO MFT Internet Server system. If the ServerName contains embedded blanks, the entire ServerName should be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").
Note: This value must point to an existing server definition. If the node that you want to update is not defined, an error occurs.
None Yes

Sample RemoveServer Command

The command below deletes Server NYNode1. The ServerName is required for the RemoveServer command.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:RemoveServer ServerName:NYNode1